Friday, July 24, 2015

Dear Diary

I feel really excited lately. I’m excited because my school is starting on the 8th of sept.  (That I know of so far.) This close is also going to be a lot slower. Which all I can say is thank goodness. It won’t be seven or six weeks. It starts in Sept and ends in Dec. Which makes me feel so much better, and its going to take a lot of pressure off. That’s going to be way less strain on me and my anxiety and difficulties.  I’m on a wait list too for English.  The two classes I’m doing is a English one and then a psychology course.

  I think after I do these two courses I’m going to then try some volunteering so I can get my 40 hours I need to get into the program I’m looking forward too. I’m so excited. I will need to look into a place so I can volunteer. It needs kids. I might see go and look at local day cares and stuff and see if they need someone to volunteer there. I'd be fine with that. 

I’m also really excited about mine and Daddy's one year. Its not coming up super super soon, just like in OCT. Which is also like the best month of the year for that reason and for Halloween!  And I’m excited.  I want to figure out something for the both of us to do, maybe we can make a cake. That would be fun. I also want to get him a cheaper gift, but I don’t know yet what I want to get him. I don’t want to get him a video game. I think I might do something creative, and has more of a personal value then a objective value. 

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