Monday, July 13, 2015


My summer so far has been everything I've wanted it to be and more. Its been really relaxing and I've been able to do what I'd like to do. Which is have lazy days or go to the beach and look for sea shells and other ocean things.  Its just nice too because there isn't a limit to where we are going to look and stuff. Me and my friend just plan a day and like four hours or more just to sit on the beach and talk while we look for things. And thats probably one of the nicest parts about it. Its nice to talk to another human being that isn't Daddy. Not that talking to him is a problem. :P But its just nice to talk to another person and speak to someone who has some of the same views on stuff and views on things in a different way and talk about stuff like that.

 I've also been able to work on my smash book more also.  Its not finished I'm still adding new pages ontop of new pages of things. I've been choppin' up flyers when I find some or get them, and I add new stuff in there. I'd like to print out some things, but I don't know.

 But its just really nice to start working on something that I've been wanting to work on. I hope I can fill up more pages because of the summer. I also want to pick up some craft supplies for scrap booking at second hand shops or the dollar store. but right now I'm pretty content. maybe I'll put on one of the used groups I joined on fb asking for used magazines for free.

 I know I want to do a pressing page of local leaves I can find close to me, and then I want to do one for the fall too. I also wanna add a few more pages of just stuff I find interesting, or things I like.  Mostly my smash book is just a book about me.

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