Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Dear self

It’s not your fault if someone doesn’t want to be friends with you,  It’s also not your fault if people push you away. The only thing that would be your fault is rudely trying to get people to cut ties with that person as well because you don't like that person, and if other people don't do it, then you hate them too. Thats rude and bad. But we aren't doing that. Right? Right. So your good. Your not a bad person. Your a good person.  Your allowed to be upset, and your allowed to voice yourself. If people try and get you to shush it, or try and shush you. Its fine to speak louder. Its fine to be tired and annoyed of being bullied and treated poorly.  Its fine to speak up and say you shouldn't have to deal with it - Because no one should. It doesn't matter who they are. 

But remember, not everyone is treating you poorly.

Remember the saying, treat others the way you want to be treated and realize that also reflects the other person. If they other person wants to treat you like trash, then no one can make you feel bad for smackin’ em upside the head and telling them you’re not going to deal with it.

Not every single person is going to hate you because you cut ties with one toxic person. Some people do leave, but that’s fine. That means those people are either caught up in the web you got out of, or they themselves are toxic too.

 Yes, stress is normal, being upset is normal. Being paranoid is normal. It happens. It’s a normal and real feeling.  But, We both know what paranoid turns into, it turns to obsessing and stressing even more about something that happened and it’s so bad for you.   You become really stressed out and you feel like everyone is coming at you with verbal knifes when a lot of people aren’t. Yes, some do that. But that doesn’t mean everyone is bad.  

A few isn’t all. 

I love you, We'll get through this.  
- Me

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