Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Temp Tattoos

Temp tattoos have changed since I was last a kid. Temp tattoos seem to look a lot fancier now and have really nice details.  I'm someone who wants a tattoo someday, but right now no. I love dressing up and wearing different things and making changes.

Like a lot of people I've fallen in love with Henna. Henna is so beautiful and I love seeing it hand done, but I can't do it myself and I don't really know anyone else who could do henna really nicely on me.  I try and get it down at fairs if I see it being offered but otherwise I really don't go out of my way to find it.

I ended up looking online about it. And I found a bunch I want of temp tattoos.  I think I might buy some from the dollar store or somewhere's else when I can. and just have some tuck away for a rainy day. It might be a good idea to put even in my comfort box as a self care type of thing.

These would be cute to have. <3 

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