Thursday, July 9, 2015

Halloween party

This year I think I might do a Halloween party with my friend and her boyfriend, and my boyfriend. I'm thinking of it staying small and with only a few people. We are going to have a tv by then, so we can play stuff like the wii, wiiu, game cube and even on the Super Nintendo.   We also could watch some halloween movies too. Or at least spooky movies.

I'm also going to make a few halloween themed treats. And maybe some form of dinner that is halloween themed. Or at least a real food thats Halloween themed. I also want to decorate our place up a tiny bit for halloween.

I'm also writing about this now compared to later because Halloween is something I like to plan out a bit. I like figuring out food, and stuff to buy. Halloween stuff comes out slowly this month and next month. and then after in September just after school starts it gets kick in full gear and I really just don't want to miss out on anything.  :3

I'm so excited. The last halloween themed thing I went to was a lolita halloween meetup

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