Friday, July 17, 2015

Dear Diary

I would say this is going to be a rant, but I don't know.  I don't feel really ranty about it. It just feels like I need to talk about it somewhere's. A place to connect my thoughts and express them. Even if they don't connect well.

I try hard not become upset about money and funds because thats how it was in my last relationship, my ex was obsessed with money which made me feel really guilty when I wanted to spend some on myself.  The relationship was more about money value then experiences and stuff. But right now and lately, I'm starting to feel that pinch again.  I want to be able to enjoy things. and I think I need to also let myself know time after time that there are free things to enjoy. I can go on walks and take pictures.  I'm not able to buy things I want right now. But thats okay.

This time my money is in my control, but I still need to be wise and not spend any of it. Other then on groceries.  The reason behind that is for the passed two months our last room mate moved out, and we've been trying to get someone to move in. People have came by and said they'll take it. and then they become very flaky in the process of trying to show up to get the paper work down. We now have someone else who wants to move in, and its promising but its starting to go through the same thing.

The flakiness of people is really starting to get to me.

Not having another roommate is getting to me. - We need a third one so the rent isn't that bad for us.

Not being able to buy some stuff I want is getting to me.

I mean I should look on the plus side, I get food, I get internet, I get to live in a house, and hey I bought a second hand oneise which I really wanted. And those are all good things. I guess its just stuff like I can't go to the dollar store and buy some things I want which is really getting to me.

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