Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Celebration of love

Today was my boyfriends and I’s one year anniversary. It was a really good day for us also. I had school in the morning so I woke up early and shuffled my way out of bed and got ready for school and left. Today was a beautiful day in my books at least with the rain, it’s a perfect for a one year because this is cozy and snuggle weather. While I was at school I was so excited just to get home so I could see Matt open up his gift I got him for his one year.  I ended up getting him a button that says “This is my Costume” for Halloween.  It really suits him and he is rather pleased with the button I think. I also got him the video game Monster Hunter 4. He has been waiting for that game for a while now and I’ve been trying to snag it for him. I was going to get it for him for his birthday, but I ended up not doing it.   But this time I was able to buy him the game he wanted!  I felt really special and happy getting him something he wanted. He also had fun opening up the gift I think. Probably also because I was behaving in a goofy way. I’m his goof ball after all.

We also had pizza for dinner today, he paid for it. He also gave me the gift of money, which I’m happy about. But I’m not sure what to spend it on, because I have a few things I want.  But yeah, its been a nice and perfectly happy lazy day. It had happy times and smiles, giggles and cuddles and super nommy food!

Yesterday when we were out I bought us a ham to eat for thanks giving this weekend too. Its going to be yummy. I also wanna make mashed potatoes for that day and maybe some corn! OH AND I HAVE CARNBERRY SAUCE SAVED STILL.

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