Thursday, October 1, 2015


I’ve been officially diagnosed with bpd. In a way I’m scared and there is a lot of stigma with it, I think it seems really popular to have also, I’ve noticed people online tend to cling to it because its ‘popular’.  When it relatedly it’s a mental illness and being mental ill isn’t or shouldn’t be something that’s treated as ‘cool’ or an  “in” trend. I wish mental illnesses could stop being so gosh darn trendy. Its nice people are aware that mental illnesses are real and people have them. But then you meet people who just take it like its some kind of label. Like being goth or emo was a label.

 Sorry for my side ways rant, I found out today. I talked to my new therpist and I told them about myself, and we did some work too. And based off of my background and childhood history and trauma it fits. I’m going to start doing therapy with him to try and pick up skills. I forgot to tell him I also wanted to learn or at least get/pick up more mindfulness skills.

  and I’ve been trying to find a workbook for it today. But I wasn’t able too.  I was also referred to bipolar babe out here too. Which is more meant for people with bipolar disorder but I was told they might be able to help in some ways. With being mentally ill and all.

I feel like I’m just collecting mental illnesses, which does upset me, I don’t feel like this is like pokemon, ontop of my depression, and anxiety and PTSD, among other things now I’ve been told I have BPD. *sighs* I know getting answers is good though because now I can work towards healing. 

I feel like I won't talk to much about it on here, i'm not sure. The stigma part scares me. But I just wanted to write it down.

1 comment:

  1. That's okay as sometimes you just have to put it into words as part of the process of accepting yourself.
    I hear ya about labels, I've gotten many medically related ones that have their uses when it comes to getting the help I need but we're not labels, Sarah, We're people with emotions and feelings that go way beyond of that and I don't wanna come over all preachy but it's good to remember that when you spend time of necessity dealing with people helping you with your needs. I'll end by wishing you all the best in your treatment.
    Hugs, Jo.
