Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Princess Dianna

Mental illnesses don't care about what person has them, young or old, rich or poor, people with a name or no known name. For me, as much as this can be repeated to me, it always always always amazes me who has the same diagnosed as I do. Princess Dianna had an eating disorder and she also had bpd. Even through she had both of those huge issues which most likely impacted her personal life greatly she was still an amazing women and princess. Some of the most amazing things this women did is fight against land mines and there use and she also fought for people who have aids and tried to show people, even if someone has that disease doesn't mean they are some horrid person, or less of someone. And I think thats what really amazes me.

I think it also shows me, at least. No matter what your given you can still do good, what ever that amount of good is. 

<3 I really have to say I'm amazed by a list I found too of people who have the same disorder as me, and what those people have done with there life and where they ended up. It makes me happy, because it also shows our illnesses aren't what define us. 

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