Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Possible Poly!

Matt and I have been looking into finding a third person to add to our relationship. A women, a unicorn if you will. (I just learnt about the term maybe two weeks ago myself). And we might have found someone, they’d have to be bisexual, both interested in me and my boyfriend. And Matt has found someone who might be a third party in our relationship. I’m really excited to be honest, I’ve been wanting a third person in our relationship for awhile and it feels really great. I’ve expressed reasons why before with Matt and he understands, and he also has some of the same desires. I think the hardest part right now is figuring out and finding someone who wants the same things we want. Like Matt and I want everything to be even as possible and as fair as possible. 

I’ve never really done poly before, none of us have so its going to be touch and go, and nothing is set in stone yet, as we have to wait until December to meetup and see if we like each other. But I’m excited! We found someone who is interested and its also nice because they are aware of our dynamic and stuff also. I do know I want to at least setup some skype talkings to see if we all like each other on a personal talking level and then sometime in december we are all going to meet up. And I'm really excited. 

The girl wants a stable relationship, and shes seeking a relationship with two other people, not a fling. Which also makes me really excited and happy. <3 I feel really happy and I thought I would share. 

But for now because nothing is set in stone I'm going to just call her "x". 

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