Wednesday, October 11, 2017

30 day BPD - Day 8-9

Day 8: What is one of your biggest strengths? 

I think for me my biggest strengths is my ability and wanting to keep growing and becoming better. I think thats really important with recovery, the forever willingness to fight, and even when stuff goes wrong to turn around and re-group and find a new path to recovery I feel is really important and it'll be important for most of my life.

I also feel like the ability to keep wanting to grow and become better is important for other aspects of my life too, like being a good person, or even just my personal goals.

Day 9: Do you have other illnesses going on for you more then just bpd? Please share.

So I have:
Clinical depression
Generalized anxiety
Social anxiety
Social phobia
OCD-ish traits. (More so the skin picking but its written down as 'ocd')
psychosis otherwise unspecified

... I also have a couple other health problems and I want to find out whats going on in with my bowels. I'm wondering if I have ibs- or something worst.

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