Monday, October 9, 2017

Inhaler project

So I got to do my first project in awhile. I've slowly becoming more creative again. And it feels great. One of the projects did recently was making my own essential oils inhalers. The idea of it would be the smell of the oils is soothing.  I did have to do some research first to find ones that would be okay for me. Luckily there are a lot of websites that let you know about what is not safe or risky to use. So I stayed clear of them.

So I went to a local super market. (Whole foods) and I picked up 2 different blends or oils. Plus also a small bottle of orange essential oil. (It smells so good!)  I also picked up some small lip chap bottles for 70 cents each from a local bath and beauty DIY store. I also went to the dollar store and bought some cotton strips I could chop up and use. I already had the Washi tape hanging around, so I used that to color code each bottle. So I could know which one was which.

So this is my supplies all together.  Aside from the scissors I used to cut up the cotton with. I will say this was a more expensive DIY project. But I know I'll use the oils more when I need to re-fill my two little tubs.  

And these are just the two pictures of the bottles of mixed oils I bought and what they are for. They both smell really good! 

Each bottle has there own couple of drops of the oil in them.  I did a couple of drops for each on the piece of cotton I placed in the 'inhalers'. The smell is really nice too. I've been using them for a couple of days and each time I open them, the smell is really refreshing.

I'm really happy with my project. I will change this around once I order the real inhalers. But for now it works well. It'll also help with my anxieties cause it'll give me something pleasant and happy to focus on.

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