Friday, October 6, 2017

30 Days of BPD 3-4

Day 3: What has been the most important skill you have used, when dealing with your bpd?

Some of my most important skills I've used when dealing with my bpd is distress tolerance skills and self soothing skills. So things like grounding. For example the 5-4-3-2-1 skill. Some of the other things I might do is figuring out ways to comfort myself. Like bathes, maybe I need to distract myself so I might watch a movie or show that I know can bring up happy memories. (Pipi long stocking, or anne of green gables are my two fav comfort shows. But basically anything from my childhood!) Allowing myself to have some time of being sad, or unhappy. Because thats important to allow myself to feel these things! I also will use fact check - its one of my favorite skills and its one I remember really well. So I use that one a lot. I'm also learning dear man a bit more. I also find it useful to self validate when needed. (Although this is really hard)

Day 4: Do you identify with the term quiet borderline? Why or why not?

I do Identify with the term quiet borderline. I feel like it describes how I react with my triggers, my trauma and the way I deal with my emotional side. I can be emotional reactive, but Its more so inside. I'm always worried about hurting someones feelings, or upsetting people. I worry about offending others so when I feel hurt I'm less likely to tell the person who hurt me. I also often judge myself, go over things 1000 times a day. And I also will feel like I can't have boundaries because they are selfish. Or my feelings because they are selfish and rude. - But yes. I do identify with the term quiet borderline. I think it explains me well.

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