Thursday, October 5, 2017

Budget and spending.

So I'm starting to making a budget this month. I'm doing the first step which is tracking my spending.  I really want to look at more of where is my money going and what are my spending habits. I also eventually want to also do my mood charting and match it up with my spending. I know I'm an impulsive spender. I do that more so when I'm in a bad mind set. I tend to look for objects to make me feel happy.

So hopefully this'll help me out. I'm doing to do it week by week. I know I already ate up a bit of my fun money on a workbook, a pair of shoes for the winter. (So I can stop wearing my saddles) and I also bought myself a new purse because I like something thats a bit more organized. Its also a happy color so it'll be nice for the winter and fall.

This is my bag I bought. It has three sections too. So I can put my activity things in one pocket, my comfort stuff in another. (Including nommy snacks, like nuts or something.) and then I use the middle pocket for more of my important things like my wallet, and my puffer and stuff.

I'm really hoping that budgeting works out for me though as I've never done it before. I've just always been told "don't buy this" "don't spend your money" which doesn't help with a whole lot. I also know for me I tend to then feel like times I need to revolt and be like "Nupe!" So that doesn't really help at all. Plus I know I also want to start up a savings for a couple of things. Like a better Guinea pigs Savings fund. And I also would really like to start working on saving money for trips and travel plans. 

I also know for the mental health aspect of mine, I tend to feel really useless when I impulsive buy or I end up spending all of my money and I have O funds in account. I don't enjoy the living month to month, kind of feelings.

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