Monday, February 29, 2016

Mori Kei Group

I made a group on facebook, I'm hoping I can find some mori kei's in my local area so I can have meetups with people who are interested in the fashion and the life style. I feel really happy about the group so far. I've been tempted to make the group for awhile now, but I haven't because I've been so scared. I'm not really sure why I'm letting fear control me with that aspect. I want to make friends who are interested in the same things as me. The only way to do that is by reaching out and saying this is what I'm interested in, what about you?

I've been spending times organizing it. I made two notes for people to read, and I also added a couple of albums. I really want the facebook group to make people feel like they can be in the woods even if they are bound to the city. Which is why I'm trying with the albums.

I made one for hair styles, so people can figure out some ways to do there hair. A lot of people who wear mori kei don't really mess around with wigs. So I thought just showing hair style ideas might be a good idea. I also have another album for forest and animals, because animals and forests I think are some of the key points I find to mori kei. I also made a look book for people so they can go and grab ideas from. I also want to find some male mori kei's so I can post them too. I just want to place roots down for people.

I'm really hoping the mori kei facebook group works. I really wanna make friends and it would be nice to make friends who also really like nature and stuff.

If everything goes as planned these are events I'm thinking of doing..:

Shopping trips. - This could be a lot of fun. I'm thinking more of the second hand or vintage shops in my local area. Because we have a lot.
Nature walks and hikes. - I think this could be fun. We have a lot of parks and nature area's in my town.
Petting Zoo Trip. Garden trips
Knitting/Crocheting groups biweekly.
Tea parties.

Those are like my current ideas I'd like to do with a group of mori's. <3

Prairie Poise

I found myself  a really cute doll online. 

I've been looking at Blythe dolls, and I've found one I really adore. I really like prairie girls and clothes like in Anne of Green Gables. I also like that style and I feel like stuff like that too would be really cute for Mori Kei also. I just really would like a BJD doll that kind of reflects me and my things I find curious and interesting.

The doll I found is called Prairie Poise. 

Her hair is red and long, and she comes with a little bonnet and the clothes above. She also has fair skin. Shes just really pretty.  I also like how she has a basket because she could wonder into the woods and pick wild flowers or mushrooms or berry picking. 

Here is her about me:
Skip, Skip! I love the flower garden! If I find a fairy, I'll play tag!My name is Prairie Posie. It's fun being with nature. Please come play with me! I'll be waiting.
Prairie Posie loves nature and plays with friends in fields. Freckles are her charm point on her fair skin. Soft wavy hair is also her charm point. Her fashion is always country style. Small flower printed one-piece dress with white collar and a matching bonnet is her usual style. One-piece dress has a salmon pink small flower prints and is country style with sense of fairy tale.Please tie the broad-brimmed soft bonnet with a ribbon under the chin.On her foot are gray socks and brown boots. Her hairstyle is center parted and permed long hair with reddish brown color.Eye shadow is beige; her cheeks and lip are salmon pink colored.Right eye uses special yellow brown color.Face type is Radiance and skin type is fair.

So with that I had found a doll I'm in love with. Shes really price-y which kind of sucks. At least on amazon she is +$500. >.<;  Which is really insane.  I want to see if I can find her on Ebay. So I'll probably just keep checking out ebay until she pops up and she is a reasonable price so I can buy her. But yeah, shes like my dream Blythe doll.

Thursday, February 25, 2016


So I got mail yesterday, it was a package! I had to go and pick it up at the post office so I got it after my appointment yesterday. When I got it, I felt a little shocked because I haven't ordered anything recently so it was really surprising!   I feel so special and thankful and happy, and really glad.  When I walked home and even to the post office I felt really special and kinda spoiled. So I happily bounced home with my package in my purse.

When I got home I opened it slowly. I ended up getting a two 3ds games and a book I added on my wishlist.  I never got a note but I ended up figuring out who sent it to me! It was a really sweet person from tumblr.

I got this game. I haven't tried it yet. But it looks really good. I also find the girl with the red hair really cute! Sakura is super cute. I wanna be able to hear the music and stuff so I haven't played it yet. I've been busy listening to videos on youtube and doing other things. 

But I think I might play it tonight for a bit. 

This is the other game I got! To be really honest I've been so interested in getting this game! I've been so excited about it when it came out, and now I have it, and I haven't stopped playing it. I've done the school, hospital and the cafe and shop and I've done a few peoples houses too.  I've been playing it a lot. Its fun.

It makes me think of my calico critters or a digital version of doll house making. Its also nice because you get feed back from the people who you are working for.

This is the book I got. Its about the women who were kidnapped in Cleveland. I've been kinda interested in reading some books like this. I know I've seen a few documentaries about women who have been kidnapped, but they've been more in the view of the case and police work. So I think it might be interesting to read a book from a victim.   I feel like these kinds of books might also help me with my recovery. Because these books show the peoples strength they have when they go threw something really horrid. 

I'll write a book review when I'm done reading it. I feel like this is going to be a slow read just because of the content. 

But I'm really thankful for my new items, my gifts are amazing. I spent a few minutes hugging them, and I know I'm going to enjoy all of these things.

Mental health check up

So yesterday I went in for a mental health check up. I've been dealing with some other symptoms, mostly just voices or seeing odd figures. So my doc wanted me to be checked out just to see if any other issues might be popping up.  I'll be seeing another person next week.

They also wanted my history, at least briefly to understand it a bit better.

I also got to meet my mental health case worker.  They do more of just the scheduling of my appointments and making sure I'm getting everything I need, they also work out finding me a counselor if I want one.

Monday, February 22, 2016


Now that its spring, I really want to go out on a really happy and sunny day to go and see the harbor seals. They are so cute, and they are pretty huge. I also really adore them. They are really quiet animals, and its adorable because they'll bob there head up like in the photo above, but otherwise they keep there head really close to the water. 

They also have really big eyes. Maybe when I go I can feed them. There is a place that makes food from fish and you can buy fish to feed these little cuties. Some of it is scrap fish meat people don't eat. 

My story

I've been thinking about this, and I've been thinking about it a lot. I feel like I might end up writing a memoir of sorts. I feel like what has happened to me should be told. I feel like its important to share what happened to me. With my family. My abuse.

I feel so much shame still with what happened and I still feel like I'm to blame. I also feel like in some ways its really hard to speak out about it. Because its so odd. I also feel like my family sometimes doesn't want to hear it, because everyone was so young. Or my dad wasn't home. Or I'm picking at things that shouldn't be picking at. But, these things are picking at me from the inside. The thoughts and memories over take my mind. I still feel disgusting and ashamed. I think that might also be one of the reasons on why I always feel like I'd be better off ending my life.

But I'm thinking if I can tell my story, and maybe even publish it, people might be more aware of the stuff that happened to me, happens.

I know for me, it pained me to search in trying to find people who are victims of a similar thing, but barely anyone talks about it, because is something that seen as so unreal. Its a crime that no one wants to speak about.

Everyone is also so focused on mothers being the ones that always care and do no harm. Fathers/uncles and male counter parts at the ones that hurt people. No females.

Saturday, February 20, 2016

New read!

I've been reading this manga for a day now. Its called "Akatuski No Yona". Its also an anime. I'm just not in the mood to watch an anime. I'm more in the mood to flick through a book and read. 

But I'm really digging the story! And I'm already on book four now and the story is so good! I really like it because Yona doesn't want to be the helpless girl character, she wants to stand her ground. I also do love anime's with the reverse harem theme.  It does make me think of Fushigi Yugi a bit. 

The male characters are adorable and Yona is super cute too. 

I wanna cosplay as her. 

Fills me with sadness

One of the things that cause my heart to ache so badly is when I see photos of people picking up animals, like marine animals that can only live in water and passing them around. If people were passing it so it could make it to the ocean faster, thats understandable. But when its a crowd of people, passing on something that is clinging onto life and showing it to others. That to me is on another scale.

The reason on why this upsets me is because people take selfies with these animals, and while they are enjoying and giggling and making memories and thinking they can share photos with there friends and family and tell people they got to hold a baby sea animal. What your really doing is taking photos of you enjoying yourself while the animal is dying in your arms.  You are documenting the fact that you aren't someone who really cares about animal welfare.

I love marine life, I love animals, I love everything. I understand wanting to take photos and wanting to document your life. Wanting to show people. I like photography, I have friends who are photographers, I have friends that take selfies. But documenting your life shouldn't be putting something else at risk.

weather its human, animal. You shouldn't be sacrificing somethings life so you can get that amazing photo.

Thursday, February 18, 2016

It pains me

I keep having bad dreams about my passed.  It really pains me when these memories come back. A part of me feels really angry at my family. Like everyone. I feel like in a way I was always the enemy when I was home. And I find it utterly strange now that people who once were ready to turn on me, are now turning to me to talk to.

The dream that I keep having the most lately is something that really happened to me. When I was younger I use to get asked, and bugged by my parents all the time on why don't I talk? My parents would say "I was shy once. I got over it" or things to basically say that my shyness is irritating.  In my dream it goes to that, and my parents scolding for being to shy.

And then at the same time, my dream flicks to when I would sit in my room, by myself and start singing to music. I would just be in one of my teenage rooms.  Posters, laptop, all of my manga, and other things that made me feel like I was safe. I would sit there and listen to music, I would be to the point of starting to feel comfortable and I would start to hum along to music and then start to sing.

My one sister would just complain about how annoying my voice is. And how my singing voice sucks and how I'm a horrid singer and yaddy yaddy yaddy. This would get to the point that it would annoy everyone else that was around my sibling that was complaining. So they would start telling her that she is annoying, and she needs to stop. And just let it go. That in turn would make my parents well aware of what was going on, and they'd march downstairs to hear everyone complaining and one person singing and trying to feel okay.

What they would do you wonder? they'd come down stairs to 'fix' the problem. The fix wasn't to tell everyone to calm down, and just leave it alone, the fix wasn't to go and ask me to be quiet, and the fix wasn't just to tell everyone to go outside because being in the house cooped up might be making everyone go a bit batty at each other. No. They would make the decision and think that this is the best way to fix the problem.  What was the fix you might ask?

Well lets just beat the one that is singing. Lets just scream at the one that is singing. Lets tell the one that is singing and shes just annoying, ungrateful and is doing this just to annoy everyone else. Tell her she needs to stop. Tell her you don't even know why you had her. Tell her that you can take her out of this world just like you brought her into the world. Tell her shes just a waste of space and she needs to learn to shut the 'fuck' up.  Ask her if shes singing because she wants to be beaten. Ask her if this is really what she wants while she is being beaten.

 She is me, I had to stop singing. I would be sitting in my room, listening to my music and I'd sing along. Because why not. And my two parents would flip out because my other sibling wouldn't just be quiet.

I would be called names, like a bitch, a stupid slut. For what? Singing.

I would be told that I'm a waste of space. For what? Singing.

I would be told that I'm ungrateful. For what? Singing.

I would be told that my voice is so fucking annoying. For what? Singing.

I would be beaten for 'annoying' my siblings for what? Singing.

And these are the same fucking people who would then stretch their head and be like, huh. I wonder why my kid doesn't talk much. I wonder why my kid doesn't wanna hang out with us? Why does my kid sit in the basement?

The biggest thing to this is this is something that has stuck to me. Even now I feel anxious singing by myself. I feel like if I do, I'll hear the same echoing voices of my sister complaining, and then the angry foot steps, and then the screaming and hitting of my parents. And me hearing the unforgivable words.

People can say "Oh my god, get over it. It happened years ago. YOU'VE ALIVE SO IT WASN'T THAT BAD."  And this is what saddens me. Everyone expects what you learn from school will be passed forward and you'll remember it. Just like all of those useless math details you learn, or that your teacher who taught you the ABC's fav season was spring. People expect you to remember the good things. The things you learn. Those 'treasures'. Those happy memories that can be tucked away for a rainy day. Or a sad day.

But what people don't put into this is your brain remember things. The human brain has three parts to it, and we don't control all of it. We don't, where fear, anxieties and the fight or flight, those get stored in your brain. Just like the "ABC's" Stay in your head.  We are animals, and we do remember things, we remember things that have caused us great pain. We remember it to let ourselves to be alert for the next time.

So when people slip out the words, it happened years ago, forget it.  I don't think they realize how hard that is. Because, Its not that its hard because people choose to remember, its hard because these thoughts need to be worked on. And worked on means going and seeking help.  People need to build themselves back up and remove what they learned before and relearn things. That is the hardest part about tackling trauma.

 It doesn't mean putting it in a bottle, and taking that bottle and putting it into a bottle and so on, and wrapping it up, putting chains and dropping it into the middle of the ocean to forget about it. These memories are there. And you can't simply 'ignore' them.

All of these memories pain me. All of these thoughts and feelings pain me too. They make me feel like I'm helpless and nothing.

I also feel upset when I sometimes post things like this, because I'm worried my family might think I'm trying to shame them.  Trying to point fingers at them, and be like "Why weren't you better?". And yes, it does cross my mind.  But punishing people for what they did in the passed isn't going to fix me now. In the future. Is it going to stop these dreams, these nightmares? Nope.

The damage has been done.

Tuesday, February 16, 2016


The cherry blossoms are coming out in my town! It makes me really happy.  I can't wait because the town is going to be painted pink soon.  I know this year I'm going to take pictures of the trees down a street out by where I live. Because the full street is nothing but bloom. 
My picture from a few years ago. 

I'm also really glad too, because a lot of flowers are coming out. I've seen some, Daffodils, Prunus (Which is our cherry blossoms) , Rhodonendrons, Snow Drops, and Crocuses.

I love seeing life start in the new year. It always feels so fresh. It also makes me remember that each year is a birth to a new life. Because some of these flowers do come from bulbs that had been planted years before. Which makes me think of my life. I was born years ago, like a bulb being put in the ground. But each year I grow as a person and identify new things about me. Just like a bulb grows its flower each year. 

That probably sounds really cheesy.

Saturday, February 13, 2016

Her clover

(Originally short story! Happy Valentin’s day!)

Lady Kasumi was searching for food, she had been eating nothing but bugs, and maybe a bird or two. Lady Kasumi was feeling hungry for something more. She had no run-ins with humans, and all of the humans she had saw seemed friendly or had a family. Lady Kasumi hadn’t even ran into some demons she could quickly eat. She was feeling a bit weak and she really just wanted something more filling. As Lady Kasumi wondered she found herself by the ocean.

The salty sea breeze was dry. But this smell also made her feel like she wanted fish. She thought about the fish she wanted as she slowly approached a village. She used caution as she got closer. Fishermen were known to be very superstition.

She heard stories of fishing villages that would drown stray cats or villages torturing strays. She heard other tales of cats having there tails chopped off to make sure they couldn’t become a bakeneko. Ontop of those stories she had heard many more about the fishermen and what they believed in.

So she carefully found herself a good hiding spot in the village. A lot of villages also heard tales about bakeneko’s coming to villages and being very good looking people and wearing fur. She was afraid of causing problems in the village, or having angry villagers. So she thought her best chance would be to change into small cat. If she did run into any problems she could just transform into her ‘human’ like self and slaughter whatever was causing the problem.

She quickly took off of her clothes and hid them up in a truck of a tree. Then she transformed into her little cat form. She started to patrol the village in the shadows. She finally found what she was looking for. There was a few fishermen coming in, they had baskets full of fish, crabs, even some octopus. Her mouth started to water as she watched the fishermen carefully put the fish away.

After the fishermen finally cleaned up the boat, the fishermen left and went inside to what she assumed was probably their houses or fish slaughter houses. Neither way, Lady Kasumi just watched in the shadows, she had planned she would go and get some fish when everyone in the village was asleep.

Lady Kasumi doubled back and went back to her tree truck, she wanted to check on her belongings, As she wondered back she noticed a cat in the village. It seemed to have been a village cat. He seem to have been a cat the villagers knew. She watched as one of the villagers walked by and patted him on the head. The village cat was a calico, he was also rather well loved, and a bit pudgy. He had a little stump tail. It looked like he had been in a accident more then someone chopped his tail off. Lady Kasumi watched him as he started to chase a butterfly. She found this to be adorable.

Lady Kasumi remember back when she was just a cat, she had an owner, and she remember the care free life that this cat had.

As Lady Kasumi watched this care free cat play, She saw that he stopped being interested in the butterfly. He found something else to be interested in, and he stared up at Lady Kasumi. he made eye contact with her and his tail started to flick. He then started to walk in her direction. The cat wondered into the brush. Lady Kasumi was curious, and she stayed. The cat had walked up to her. His ears were down and he hissed as he approached her. She hissed back. As this happened the male cat came close to her. He jumped on her, and then he put one of his paws on her back and pushed her to the ground. He bit the back of her neck slightly, he started to sniff her. He quickly realize she was more then just a cat, He than stopped and started to lick her neck.

“Wise one, this cat is.” She thought to herself.

The male cat licked her gentle a few more times before backing off. He stared at her quietly. She wondered if he was able to understand human or not? She wasn’t able to tell, she was able to guess his age, and he still had a few years to go before he could become a bakeneko.

The cat still stared at her, and his tail wiggled a bit. But it seemed more like he was interested in playing. He flicked his tail up and down on the ground and stared at her. Each time his tail hit the ground it made a soft thud noise. She just watched. She hadn’t played with a real cat in years. She wondered to herself if she even knew how.

Lady Kasumi decided she would try at least. she was laying down on the ground, and she tucked her little feet under her belly, her tail was way up in the air as she started to wiggle. Inside Lady Kasumi was laughing to herself. She thought this was silly. But she deiced why not. She charged forward and attacked the village cat in a playful manner. He and her played for what felt like hours. She was able to forget that she was even hungry. Just as they snuggled the village cat then heard Lady Kasumi’s tummy rumble.

“Clover! Come home Clover! Its time for Dinner!” A little voice yelled. The calico cat that had became Kasumi’s friend got up, he then nodded at her before quickly leaving. She wondered what that nod even meant.

Lady Kasumi sat for the rest of her night outside in a tree. She was watching the house that the villagers went into. She was waiting until they went to bed before she could sneak in and get some fish at least.

Crack, she heard a noise from behind her. It was a sound of a stick breaking. When she turned around she saw the same calico cat that she played with. He had a piece of fish hanging from his mouth. He looked at her and carefully set the peace of fish on the ground. Lady Kasumi took a few steps forward before she finally spoke.

“Is this for me?” She asked. Her voice was soft. The cat looked at her, he nodded his head for yes. She looked at him. He wasn’t scared of her. She then asked “did you steal this?” the cat shook his head for no. He didn’t.

Truthfully Clover had taken the food from his food dish. The family he lived with, they always gave him left overs and if the little girl he lived with didn’t like food that was made, he would be given it.

Lady Kasumi of course didn’t know this, but she took the cats head nod for the truth. She put her head down and started to eat the fish. The fish was fresh and it wasn’t cook. It was so juice-y, it was a little bit warm but that didn’t matter. She enjoyed the fish. Clover happily watched.

When Lady Kasumi was done eating she thanked Clover. She felt full and she started to make her way to the tree that had her belongs. Clover had followed her, he was interested in seeing what was going to happen. She climbed up the tree and she picked out her kimono from the tree and brought it down with her teeth. She then signaled to Clover to follow her.

Lady Kasumi and Clover wondered to an wooded area. It wasn’t super far away from the village, but it was tucked away, and it didn’t seem like humans came to it. She then hoped on a rock and Clover stood at the bottom. He watched her. She placed her Kimono on rock ground. She then stood up on her hing legs. She started to change into her human form. She was no longer covered in fur, she just had a long tail. Her skin reflected in the moon light. He could see her green eyes and soft features and her long hair. She then picked up her kimono and wrapped it around her. She did it up and then her tail folded its self around her. She then looked down at clover.

Clover watched in aw. Clove was astounded by what he just saw. She then jumped down and picked up clover. She started to pet him. “Thank you, gentle creature.” She said to him. She felt thankful that he gave her fish and that she didn’t have to steal from the humans. She also felt thankful because she was able to have some fun and play with another cat.

Clover started to purr in her arms. She carefully made her way up a tree and pet Clover for the rest of the night. He rested in her lap. She spoke to him softly. It wasn’t often she found a cat that was so willing and interested in getting to know her. She felt at peace.

In the morning, just before everyone woke up she brought Clover back to his village. She smiled softly and then kissed him on the forehead. She then left like the wind.

Lady Kasumi did visit the village sometimes to see Clover, and after a few years she no longer could find him. He wasn’t dead, she check. It just seemed like he left, like the wind. She also did smell his scent before, mixed with a demon scent. So she always assumed he became a bakeneko.

Lady Kasumi wondered to herself if she would ever meet Clover again. She also wondered to herself what his name would be now.

Chapter Six

Big chucks of debris still fell loosely from the demons body, the piece fell into the lava and created a big splashes with ever drop of skin and bone. The lava devoured all that touched it. Which means that the demon would be unable to retrieve his arm. Nature was something demons can't stop.  Lady Kasumi smirked as she saw the pieces fall into the lava, she was wondering what could the demon be thinking about now? What about her clan? She was also feeling glad that her plan has worked out so wonderfully.

Her thoughts were quickly tucked away when she saw the demon was making its way towards Inuyasha. The looming doom and danger of this demon and his other hand was ever present. To let him face the death that so many others had faced.  The horrid death of being on fire forever. Even in the after life. Lady Kasumi never thought this part into the plan, she hoped that Inuyasha or whoever ended up working with her would have their wits and move before it was too late.

But what Lady Kasumi didn't account for was the fact that Inuyasha felt like he had another opening and he was going to attack again. He saw the second hand coming for him, and he thought he could take it down. The demon was injuries so why not use the opening he was given.  He also had no knowledge of the fact that this hand needed a step before it was destroyed.

"Inuyasha, Move!"  Lady Kasumi cried out to Inuyasha.

It was too late. Inuyasha was being stubborn and the demon had moved very close to Inuyasha. She feared he wouldn't have an opening to leave. Or a way to distract the demon so he could get away, This also wouldn't matter if Inuyasha had his mind set on fighting too.   Lady Kasumi felt a heavy burned was about to be laid on her chest. She could be held accountable by his death. She didn't want to carry that guilt so she moved quickly.

Kagome and Miroku watched on in horror. They hadn't noticed that Lady Kasumi had already moved and was about to save Inuyasha. All they saw was a hand that was a few inches away from him. They felt like they were just about to witness Inuyasha's death. Kagome spoke out, "I think he can do it."

Inuyasha have gripped his sword, he was getting ready to swing. Just as he was about to fulfill his attack Lady Kasumi got right in between him and the demon. She quickly moved Inuyasha's arm out of the way that had his sword and then took him with her. No one could see this, not even the demon. Lady Kasumi's speed was impressive to say the least.

She got Inuyasha to a rock and let go of him.

Just as Inuyasha was about to open his mouth he looked at the direction he was just at, the demon had lunged his arm forward. Everything around there was on fire. The flames were licking the ground and the nature around.  Just as the flames lapped up the ground, the red aura had touch the land and turned the land into lava. Above the lava was still glowing red.

Inuyasha wouldn't have lived.  He also realized this is why she told him to listen to her when she told him to move. Without her intervening he would be gone. To put it bluntly.

Lady Kasumi moved away from Inuyasha and got back up in the air.

The demon was chuckling to himself. He was admiring his work.
"You paired up with a half breed, of all things. How shameful." He said. As he spoke he turned around to face Lady Kasumi.  He still had his eye on the humans that were floating on Kirara. "Should I kill the humans next? What do you think Lady Kasumi?" He asked.

"Why are you going after the weak? The humans pose no threat to you, they are here just to watch. So why not give them a show, Unless you enjoy killing the weak and letting the strong get bored of you." She said. "Because I'm getting a bit tried of waiting."

As lady Kasumi spoke she sensed something, well someone was coming closer. She realized the scent, it was Sesshomaru.  She felt hopefully, because if Sesshomaru was coming to this location, and he saw the demon, he most likely would join in on killing it. Sesshomaru never came off as someone who would pass up a fight.

The demon on the other hand wasn't so keen on this idea, Or wait until Sesshomaru graced him with his presences. Now this demon had no idea Lord Sesshomaru was heading in this direction. The move Lady Kasumi had used on him hasn't wore off, and the demon still had no sense of smell, But he wasn't keen on the tone Lady Kasumi used or order. The demon watched Kagome and Miroku and then it lunched its attack on them. Lady Kasumi launched forward, She had nothing she could do to injury the demon, but she attacked anyways. She flung her nails forward, and attacked.

Lady Kasumi then realized, Kagome and Miroku still had the little beads she gave them. These beads would be able to trap this moving hand. In the end too it would keep this demon rather powerless and he would be nothing more then a floating head. With that Lady Kasumi felt a bit of hope, she felt the rising bubble inside of her. The feeling of hope become more of an intense feeling.  She flickered as she moved forward to be above Kirara and the other. She attacked the demon with her claws again, she used the wind to her advantaged and it kicked the hand back a wee bit.  When she used this attack she saw that Kirara was able to move back a bit.  

With one final fling with her claws she then yelled.  
"Hey you two! Toss Now!" She hoped that would be enough for them to use the beads that she gave them early in the day. Lady Kasumi waited as the monk and the human girl grabbed the little beads that were in baggies. They both opened up the bags and took huge handfuls of the beads and tossed them forward. Neither had a very good throw and they wouldn't make it to the demon if Lady Kasumi was there. But she also knew that. They both were humans after all, and neither of them had bows.

As the beads were launched forward she quickly swept them up with the power of her wind. The little beads then were collected around her. There was more then 500, and they also circled around her.

Lady Kasumi no longer needed help from Inuyasha and the others, she did a hand single to tell them to leave. She was ready to then fight him on her own. The demon's hand tried to float forward to catch Kirara and one of the balls she had shot down and hit his hand with tremulous power. The demon stopped and looked at Lady Kasumi, her eyes had grew darker and she was floating above the demons hand.  Her tail had became undone from her kimono. Lady Kasumi's Mannerisms also changed. She was now ready to fight this demon with all of her might. She also hoped that Sesshomaru could make it in time to help her.

The demon looked up at her, he slowly floated his way up there.   She was in the middle of his eyes again. He was slightly curious as to what this bakeneko could possible have in store with him?

He searched inside of himself to make contact with Lady Kasumi's clan, he asked them what was going on, and none of them knew. These balls weren't something they made, or had even seen before. They also hadn't seen a face like Lady Kasumi's.

"Your fight is with me" She said to the demon. Her tail danced around in the wind and finally a red orb of flames danced around her tail. She was about to change herself into her final form of bakeneko. But she had one finally thing in store.

"What is this?" The demon asked. His words were nothing but a hiss. "Are you letting those humans escape and that half breed?" His demon arm quickly moved into the direction Lady Kasumi was in.

The floating demon head had decide this was enough. Surprising for him to realize, but lady Kasumi thought the same. She had grown sick of his attacks. He relaid too much on his hands. The demons hand was floating right up to her as she launched her attack.  The beads that she had floating around her shooting forward to his arm.  Each blow of the beads quickly quieted his fire for just moments. The demon was shocked and unpleasantly surprised. The attacks were working.  

The beads had still been in the same shape they were in when lady Kasumi handed them to the others as they quickly linked themselves around the full arm.

The demon started to cackle with its laughter. For a moment, just a moment it felt fear. It thought maybe more would happen. But after the beads had landed on him, the attack seem to have stopped. "How cute." The demon.  The demon's arm became very hot again and it started to burn away. But Lady Kasumi was full of surprises. The beads didn't burn, nor did they change shape.

She smirked up in the sky, with that Lady Kasumi did one finger movement all of the beads exploded at once. Each of them covered the arm with dirt that quickly quieted the flames in the arm. The burning fire would make man or demon burn even after dead was hushed. As the demon tried to get his arm to get its flames back, his arm would gain weight and more dirt had piled up.

Lady Kasumi laughed to herself softly as she floated above. As the demon would try and heat up his arm more, the outside dirt would turn into clay and would hold in the heat while it also put the fire out. It took Lady Kasumi to figure out what would be the best to stop fires from going even after they were contained in the dirt and this was the best way.

The arm was no longer a threat, and it started to crack.  It was done, she had disarmed both of the floating demons arms, the rest was to destroy the arm and then the head.

As she started to transform she could smell Sesshomaru's scent get closer and closer. She thought to herself he would be here just in time. Inuyasha and the others had gotten away, which means that she and Sesshomaru could finish this demon off. Even if Sesshomaru didn't come she had this plan already figured out.

Lady Kasumi took off her kimono and flung it to the wind. Her body was changing and her clothing would only rip. She would be able to retrieve her clothes with the wind's guidance after this fight was over.  She floated above the now not so scary floating head demon. He grimaced in fear of her. Her pills had weight him down, and he was unable to even get up to her and approach her while she was in this state.  All the demon could do was look up in horror. She was naked as her face and body started to change.  Her face changed into a feline face, her fangs started to show. Her arms and feet both hand long claws that formed,  Her tail also became huge too, and forked. Big flame balls danced around her tail as she finally got into her final form.  She was one of the biggest bakeneko's that was even seen.  The demon was horrify, and the voices of her clan were shocked.

Lady Kasumi was about to settle the wrong that her family had created so many years ago.


So my wig finally came in. I ordered it off of aliexpress so I really didn't expect it to get here super fast. 

I feel like the color I wanted was to be paler but I really am glad with the color I got because it suits me. I like it too because I feel like I could wear just about anything with this wig, and it would look cute.  

I love the cut of the wig. Its a bob, which is one of my fav hair styles, it also really frame my face well. I think I'm going to wear this wig out sometimes when the weather isn't as windy. 

Thursday, February 11, 2016

Chapter Five

When Lady Kasumi attacked the floating demon head, it had turned around and put its focus on her. The demons great head and its arms were now facing towards her. The demon's head looked smug at her. His eyes were huge, and his arms were even bigger. Lady Kasumi was floating right between his two eye ball.  As she grimaced at him, he started to laugh. It took him maybe a minute to realize who was challenging him.

"Ah." He said as he looked at her. His great voice would bring anyone else to their knees. His voice made the earth tumble with how powerful it was.  But it did nothing to Lady Kasumi. She was just disgusted with him. 

"I thought I killed all of you. Bakeneko." He said. He waited to see her tumble in fear. She was after all the last of her clan.   

She could feel the angry and rage build up inside of her, she also felt an unimaginable amount of disgust towards this demon. She didn't want this demon to know that's how she felt though, because it would be a weakness. She also didn't want these feelings to swallow her up, and let her emotions take control of the situation, because she would find herself dead, quickly. 

"If you missed me, I wonder how many others you missed?" Lady Kasumi said. She smirked. Apart of her angry was showing with this comment.

"Oh?" Said the demon. He said nothing after that. He had closed his great eyes just after he said that. He was searching inside of him for something, but what could he be searching for? Lady Kasumi stood there floating in front of him still, she watched this demon. She was curious to see what he was about to do. 

Lady Kasumi could have attacked then with an opening. But knowing those great arms of his haven't been subdued and how close she was to him, it wouldn't take much for him to strike and kill her.  Lady Kasumi also could sense Inuyasha and the others making there way to her, so she knew her weapons were coming. Which is something she needed.

As she thought about what to tell the others, the demon opened his eyes and his mouth. "I figured out how I missed you." He said. "Foolish me." These words were meant as a taunt to her. "If you want I can tell you what I figured out." he said as his great tongue came out of his mouth. His tongue tried to wrap itself around Lady Kasumi. 

Lady Kasumi used her claws. Her nails made contact with his tongue. This time it was poisonous that touched his tongue. The giant demons tongue retracted into his mouth. 

"I feel energy from inside of me. It seems to hate you even now. I have allowed it to speak in my head, and this voice has filled me in on who you are, and why you probably lived. This voice hates the fact that you lived. It also hates the fact that even now you try and face me. Tell me Lady Kasumi, Why are you even facing me? Do you long to die?" The demon said. Again with his taunting voice. 

Who was consulting with this demon? And if so, why did they hate Lady Kasumi so much, even now. Surely her family wouldn't allow its thoughts to be accessed by this demon. So who was filled with so much hate? It was her family that decided to speak to with the demon, her family was still motivated by hate. They also were leading this energy and knowledge to this demon. 

"Oh? What is this? Now I understand them. You're a traitor." He said. This demon enjoyed this game he was playing. He wanted to break down Lady Kasumi before he killed her. He was on a path of destruction and the more people suffered before they were killed the stronger he would become. "They tell me you allied yourself with the enemy. They also told me their plan that would have killed me. If you hadn't ruined it that is. Even more interesting they've told me that you ended up being disowned and they also tortured you. And they tell me now it sickens them to see you. They don't want to be avenge by your hand." 

Avenge them? Lady Kasumi thought. This made her scoff. She didn't want to avenge the very people who let this demon go free. She wanted to just get rid of this demon. She had no plans of avenging the ignorance of her family. Knowing even now that they spoke to this demon, and she could still hear the pride.

Lady Kasumi was playing a similar game to this demon. She wanted him to feel like he was in control and he was destroying her.  What he didn't know is that she was waiting, and she would spring her trap soon. When she used her claws on his tongue it embedded a venom. The venom would only let him be able to pick up on the smell of her. So in a way he was blinded to smell or sense any other presents coming there way.  

"Are you now scared?" He asked. Lady Kasumi just looked into his eyes. 
She could now sense Inuyasha and the others extremely close.  And she was now ready to attack this demon. 

"No" She said, She moved quickly behind him, with a blink.  The demon turned around and grimaced at her. He was no longer interested in telling her stories. He was no angry.  Foolish.  He thought to himself. He lunged his arms two arms forward trying to get a grip on her, But Lady Kasumi was already ahead of him. She jumped out of the way, and chuckled, she was still floating. 

The chuckle got under the demon's skin. He lunged forward again, his red aura was glowing, and lava escaped its self to the surface.The earth made a sizzling noise as the soil disappeared and all that was seen was lava.  The scent of the rot filled up the area. It smelled horrid. He was burning up the earth as he tried to catch Lady Kasumi. Lady Kasumi just kept dodging him. She hadn't attacked him yet. At this point she was just defending herself. 

Lady Kasumi decided she was going to attack, and just as she did she saw Inuyasha and the others just getting there.  The demon haven't seen them yet. Which is what Lady Kasumi count on. Lady Kasumi smirked again. It was a signal for the others though. Kagome and Miroku quickly got on Kirara, they hadn't even accessed what was going on. They could see the rot on the ground and they decided it was best to be up in the air. Just like Lady Kasumi was. they circled themselves behind the great demon. It was huge. The floating arms where just in sight for them to see. They both stared with there mouths open. This demon was huge and it had two arms, both were different. They suspected both had different powers. They were correct. 

"How does she plan on taking this on?" Miroku said to Kagome. Kagome had shook her head, she had no clue. This might even be too big for Inuyasha.  

Inuyasha was on the ground, he had his sword out and he was ready.  Lady Kasumi was surprised because he didn't make a sound.   How unusual for him. Lady Kasumi sprung her body forward with her claws out. She was out for the attack. As she did she created a wave of wind from her claws, they shot forward smashing into the demon. The wind was coated with venom. The wound was inflected on the bone hand. The demon chucked as its body healed. 

"Bakeneko. This is just trivial. You should know that these hands can't be damaged by your claws. No matter how many times you tried. My body will heal its self over and over again. Its bone. You can not kill what is already dead."  He said. 

The marks no longer existed but, the venom took. She smirked. "I know." She said. She was rather pleased with the connection her claws made with the bones. She could see the venom, the demon didn't. Neither did anyone else.  With the venom setting in, the demon had already tried to strike her. But again she dodged. 

"Quit your dodging. Just die already!" The demon roared. 

Lady Kasumi continued dodging.  

Lady Kasumi put her hand in her sleeve and pulled out something. There wasn't much time to make out the shape, or what it was. Lady Kasumi had already tossed it forward towards the demon's arm. As this object passed the demons arm, it glowed. It wasn't clear yet what Lady Kasumi was doing. She just tossed a object at him, and it didn't even hit him. Had she lost it?  The demon thought so. 

"What a pathetic throw." He started to laugh. "You're parents are so angry right now." He stated. As the demon gloated, he didn't notice what was going on, until the light appeared. She was busying changing him. When she used her claws to attack his bone arm, she was using it to mark him. At that point she had him. When the stone she had tossed went by his bone arm, it started to work. She had used her venom to inject the demon with her spell.  

One of special skills the bakeneko has is to bring back the dead, this was more meant to create an army of her own, but she had figured out to use her skill in a different way. 

"Its working." She thought to herself. She smirked.  The hand was becoming re-animated, along with the arm. The arm and hand was being covered in the bodies and skin of those that had became apart of his arm. There was lesser demons, along with the humans. She also had all of these creatures at her disposable.

Just as the arm and hand became "alive" again. She quickly order those that she summoned to do one thing, that one thing was to present itself west. The west was where Inuyasha was standing. She had hope that would be enough of a hit for him to use his sword and attack the arm. As the arm moved and presented itself west the demon turned around too. He saw Inuyasha standing there with his sword, and he also saw the humans floating on kirara. 

"You little..." The demon said. And just as he was about to speak, Lady Kasumi cut him off. She spoke in stand. She no longer wanted to hear his words. In fact, she wanted to speak.

"My families plan would have worked, if they hadn't planned to back stab the other side they allied themselves with. They are the traitors. If they are apart of you now, then when I kill you, they will also be destroyed." Lady Kasumi said..  "I however will not make the same mistakes as my family made. I allied myself with the great dog demons son. And I will uphold that agreement." As she said that Inuyasha took that as his cue and he struck the ground with his Dragon scaled Tessiga.  The demons aura dissipated from the once bone arm as the blow came charging at him.  Inuyasha sword had ripped the great demons arm off. The arm broke up into pieces and they fell into the lava. 

* *  * 

Sesshomaru was moving closer to the area where Lady Kasumi was fighting with the demon already. He could sense them fighting. He also could sense Inuyasha. But he didn't care, he kept moving forward. 

It wasn't to hard for Sesshomaru to find his way to them, he just followed the path the big headed demon created.  

 "Kasumi?" He thought to himself as he kept moving.  Why does this name even linger in his mind? He wondered. He fought against her, and she was strong. But she also was stubborn. He never really exchanged words with her either. The only real time that he heard her spoke was the day that she arranged to see his father. Sesshomaru had shown up with his father. 

When the meeting was over, Sesshomaru's father told him he was in the debt of this young Bakeneko. But that never made much sense. After she had left the meeting that she had with the great dog demon, they heard news that she was locked away as a traitor. Which Sesshomaru wasn't surprised to hear. One of the most surprising things he heard was when his father asked him to accompany him for a mission.  The Mission had turned into they were going to intersect the great demon that was making its way to the village. They were to go there and take her away. Sesshomaru sighed with disbeilf with his father, and he asked why. 

"Honor my son. Honor." his father said. With that His father walked away and Sesshomaru followed. They did end up going to were Kasumi was being held. But that was shortly after the great demon had already gotten into the fortress and was going after the other bakeneko's.  Sesshomaru and his father had spilt up, and Sesshomaru had found her. She was shaking in the corner of a cell. The roof had been broken away, and there was some damage to the inside that showed that the great demon had already broken into there. But the great demon also left her alive.

Lady Kasumi was in the corner and her eyes were huge, she was shaking furiously. This was a look on her face he never saw before. She was also very tiny, and looked like she hadn't been feed, her body was marked up from the torture her family caused her. And she had a fresh wound on her.  On the very spot her present day tattoo was. She also barely had clothes on. 

Sesshomaru picked her up and held her really closely to him. This place, the fortress, her kin, made him sick to his stomach. It also angered him. With that he left the fortress quickly. When he got out of the fortress. He didn't stop until he found a spot that he felt was safe enough. He couldn't sense the demon as close anymore. He then placed her on the ground. She was already a sleep. 

Sesshomaru then hung out waiting for his father, he kept a close eye on her. This was a mission he was doing with his dad, and he wanted to know what he was to do next. 

Sesshomaru's father showed up, he looked tired. He let out a sigh and then felt relief that Sesshomaru had found her.  Sesshomaru's father went up to her and knelt down. He looked at her wounds. They were really bad. He also could tell she was dehydrated and she hadn't eaten in awhile. 

"Shes weak" Sesshomaru said. He wasn't looked at his father or her. 
"I know she is." Sesshomaru's father responded. He pulled out a sack of belongs he grabbed for her. "But she will live." he added.

Sesshomaru's father looked down at her. He had fetched her some belongs that will help her recover. They started to dress her wounds. Once her wounds were dress, he pulled out a kimono from his sleeve. It wasn't from the fortress he picked up somewhere's else. He laid it over her. 

He also had gotten Kasumi some fish too. Sesshomaru's dad then sat on the ground beside her. 
"I'm going to stay by her side tonight." His father said. "You can leave if you wish my son." 
Sesshomaru stayed, but he stood up in a tree. He watched her recovery slowly, and when Kasumi was ready to be on here own, the both of them stopped visiting her. 
Since then Sesshomaru hadn’t thought about her. Until now, with Rin appearing in front of her, and the scent of Kasumi. As he searched for Kasumi and he picked up the scent from that demon, and the blatant path that was set out for him. He felt like this was an invitation. His father wouldn’t allow him to fight this demon before, and now that Sesshomaru is older and wiser and stronger he felt like this fight would be even more interesting. Maybe he could also slay this demon single handed. 

Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Life Bullets

  • After I'm done my fan fiction of Inuyasha,  I think I might really continue with my character and write more. I feel like this is a character I really adore. I know I have some readers. I know I found a few tumblr blogs with writing improve for OC's.  I also wanna try and draw Lady Kasumi more. Shes a fun character. And the more I learn about Bakeneko the more ideas I get.

    I'm going to keep researching because I want to make her character adorable.   I feel kinda bad because shes getting so crabby at Inuyasha. >:/ But he deserves it! That horrid half breed! Respect Lady Kasumi! Stop acting like an entitled brat!
  • I also made an OC tumblr. I'm not sure what I'm going to do with it yet.
  • Its been really nice here lately. Its been sunny and warmer, so I've been leaving the window open so we can get some fresh air. Its also just nice to see the sun. Our winters aren't bad, its just very cloudy because of the rain.
  • Vikings start the month! Ekkk. Thats so exciting, and I'm so glad! I've been waiting since last winter.  I love the story. 

Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Chapter Four

Lady Kasumi's arm had dropped to her side. She had finished what she set out to do.  She had delivered Rin to a place that was safe and was far away from where they were. She wouldn't be in danger of the demon. Which meant that they could really focus on the demon. She also wouldn't have to worry about the others leaving Rin behind and somehow having Rin get in danger.

"Rin! RIN, WHERE ARE YOU?" Kagome yelled frantically.  This wasn't something they expected from Lady Kasumi. They had no idea where Rin had gone.  The group turned there attention to Lady Kasumi. All three of them were ready to pounce on her. Inuyasha had already grown tired of this women. Miroku and Kagome where just worried about where Rin had went.

"What did you do to her?" Kagome was furious with Lady Kasumi.
"Why would she do this to Rin?" Kagome wondered.

"Damn you." Inuyasha drew his sword and he was about to attack Lady Kasumi. Lady Kasumi turned around to face them, she could sense that Inuyasha was about to attack her. When she turned around she saw the faces of the three.  All three of them wore the faces of disbelief. They all thought that they just watched Rin be killed. Kagome's and Miroku's faces where just filled with fear and angry towards Lady Kasumi.  They also looked horrified. Inuyasha on the other hand, he looked angry.

Lady Kasumi wondered if anyone else even heard her spoken words she said to Rin, or if everyone had just turned off there ears and decided what was going on wasn't important enough.

Just then Inuyasha leaped forward with his sword and tried to hit lady Kasumi with it. But Lady Kasumi had already dodged the attack. She had no intend of fighting with them.  If she had too, she would. But she felt like this was just a waste of time. Lady Kasumi knew the sun was about to set, and she found this full thing just trivial.

"I let her go to a place where she felt safe." Lady Kasumi stated.  Lady Kasumi started to grow tired of Inuyasha. Inuyasha wasn't thinking in Lady Kasumi's eyes, he was just an emotional demon, a child on his own. He was just emotional charged and ran in attacking compared to really thinking. This behavior is what gets demons and humans a like killed before they even realize it.

Maybe it won Inuyasha battles. But not all battles are won on emotion only. Thought and planning went into fighting. More then just "I'm going to go in and hit it with my sword."  The thought of all of this made Lady Kasumi sick. She was trying to fight a demon her family let loose.

"Rin had no interest in fighting, and from the looks of how you all acted around her, she'd be an open target.  I had yet to see any of you wait for her.  You all have went ahead of her so far, and you have left her behind and expect her to catch up. And that is no good for a fight. Unless you all want to give this demon a weak point to attack." Her words slowly hissed off of her tongue as she spoke. Each word felt like a brutal attack by her to Inuyasha.

Lady Kasumi's face was no longer soft and seemed gentle. She was angry, and her eyes had darkened.

"Inuyasha, If Rin was way behind. You, Kagome, Miroku and even me, who would protect her? You? A-un? I don't think you understand the chaos that can happen during this fight. This demon isn't one that you simply can fight on your own. Or use your sword to cut and be over with. Letting someone so young tag along and possible be harmed is careless. If she died what would you do? Fight harder? Fighting isn't going to bring people back Inuyasha. If you are the brother of Sesshomaru start using your head for once. Calculate moves before you do them. Stop fighting with just your emotional responses."  Lady Kasumi said.

"What about you?" Inuyasha barked back. "This village you care so much about, I have yet to see you go down there and warn them. You have done nothing but sat up here and talked to us, and make Rin vanish."

You ignorant demon, she thought.
"When you came into this village, Did you see villages working? Living there daily lives like nothing bad is going to happen? Did you see people in the paddle fields working away, Or did you see people in the streets playing with there young ones? Or did people look busy to you. Did people look like they were packing by chance? I went to the monk early in the morning today, I warned him about the demon and told him to talk to the villagers and pack to make there way out of town before sunset. I gave them the same kind of rock I gave Rin. That rock, if you didn't already hear is contacted to me. And when I fight it'll glow until the battle has stopped.  I also told the monk that this very village could be destroy. So don't you dare try and put me in the same boat of carelessness. I have thought about the possible lives that could be lost."

Inuyasha grimaced, he held onto his Tetusaige and swung one more more time at Lady Kasumi. She again dodged the attack.  This time though Lady Kasumi had enough for the Inuyasha. Lady Kasumi quickly punched Inuyasha in the face. He was unable to move from it. The blow to Inuyasha's face was enough to make him stumble a bit. Inuyasha looked at Lady Kasumi.

The ignorance of this demon made her sick,  The attempt for justification made her also very angry.

"Listen to me. I will kill you if you keep this up," She warned. "I'm faster then you think, and I'm deadly. Compared to that fang of yours, I don't show when I'm about to attack." Her words sunk into each of them. Kagome and Mikuro watched on,. Kagome was tempted to use one of the little pills that she was give by Lady Kasumi to use on Lady Kasumi.

"Rin is safe, I sent her to a place that she felt safe in. I don't know where it is, but shes not dead. She is no longer in harms way. If you keep this fight up against me and you will have wasted my time, and in the process let another village, and let other peoples homes be wasted for the cause of the safety of a girl who is already safe.  This is a demon I have been tracking for years, and tonight I will defeat it, with your help or not. So either calm down, Or leave. I have no interest in having someone fight by my side with there careless emotions. So sheath your sword Inuyasha, Or leave."  Lady Kasumi said. As her words set into Inuyasha and the others the wind once again pulled the scent closer and Lady Kasumi assist that the demon was closer then it had even been. And that was close enough.

Inuyasha put his sword in his sheath. He still grimaced at Lady Kasumi still. He also had bitter feelings towards her, and he felt like he would settle it after battle.  Inuyasha could also now smell the demon and how close he was to them. she didn't care. Kagome and Miroku both were worried, about Inuyasha and what they just saw. They both thought Inuyasha was about to be finished. But when Lady Kasumi turned her back and started to walk away, they realize it wasn't going to happen.

Miroku and Kagome both understood what Lady Kasumi did, and they both were thinking about what was said.  Kagome found herself wondering if they had been fighting off of pure emotions all of this time or not?

"Lets go." Inuyasha said. He walked over to Kagome and picked her up.  Kiara transformed and Miroku hoped on top of her. "Lets go help Lady Kasumi." Inuyasha said.

Lady Kasumi Ran ahead of them now. She didn't slow down for Inuyasha and the others to follow. They could follow the scent and find the demon just like she is doing. She moved fast.  She was going to make sure that demon didn't even get a chance to touch the village houses, Or the monk's temple.

The scent got closer and closer, she was less then a kilometer away from the demon now. Lady Kasumi leaped up into the air and as she soared into the sky, she also soared over head of the demon. The sun was just about to set as she caught her glimpse of him.

The demon was huge, It was a huge floating head demon. It had a red aura around its self. And as it moved the thick red aura would dripped onto the ground and bring up lava. It had two big horns coming out from the top of its head. It had a long tongue that could be drug out onto the ground or shot forward towards foes. It had two hands that floated on either side of it. One was a skeleton hand, and the other was a hand of fire. Neither of these hands you wanted to be touched by. If you were touched by the fire hand you would forever be burning, as for the skeleton hand if it touched you, your full body would turn into a skeleton and it would collect the bones of those that fallen and would eat them.  

"I found you." She thought to herself. Lady Kasumi opened her hand and as she did that, great big claws formed from the tips of her fingers. She lifted up her hand and flung it forward to attack the demon.  Her claws created powerful waves that hit the demon. It wasn't enough to damage him, but it was enough to make the demon turn around and pay attention to her. Which is what she wanted.

* * *
Rin was sitting on A-un. She was humming to herself as she looked at the stone. It was beautiful, and it caught the light just as the sun was setting. Rin was wondering to herself if Lady Kasumi was okay. Rin wanted to tell Jaken about the person she met today, but Jaken looked annoyed so she wanted to give him some quiet time.

Just as Rin was the stone, a bright light flashed from the stone. Rin quickly covered her eyes and once the light went away, she uncovered them. She looked at the stone and a green light shined, it was brighter than last time.

Jaken quickly turned around to see what Rin was doing. "What is she doing now?" He thought to himself as he approached Rin.  He was curious to see what this green light could be, and what Rin was even holding. "Rin what is that?" He questioned her.

"Something Lady Kasumi gave me." She said. She let Jaken look at the stone too. The light was vibrate and strong. It was a stone he never saw before. He reached out his little hand and tapped on the rock.  He expected something would happen, but nothing did happen.
"What did this person say it was for?" He asked Rin.

Rin felt excited, Jaken was curious about something! This was different. "She said this stone would let me see how she is doing." Rin said. "She said it was connected to her life line."

Jaken wanted to hold the stone, he was really curious about this rock now.  Rin appearing out of no wheres, that wind. And what about Lord Sesshomaru leaving him behind to look after her? And now this bright light, and a rock connected to someones life line? What is going on.

Rin offered the stone to Master Jaken. "Please be careful with it Master Jaken!" Rin said. Rin was watchful as Jaken handled the stone. She was curious to see what he would do with the stone.  He held onto the stone, and studied it. Interesting he thought.  Someone who could hook up there life line to this rock? He also tried to bit the stone, but it hurt and nothing happened.  As Jaken tried to bit the stone he did smell a scent on it. Jaken then held the stone a bit closer to his nose and sniffed. The stone had been in Rin's hands for so long it smelt more like her. But there was a faint scent of someone else. As he stood there holding the stone, he remember he smelt that same scent when Rin first showed up in front of lord Sesshomaru. And just after that Sesshomaru left.
Could this have been the person Sesshomaru went too?

"Rin, Tell me about this person you met." Jaken said as he handed her the stone back. Rin griped the stone tightly. She began to tell Jaken about the village they went to for Kaede and how she was to pick up herbs. She told him that Kaede sent her to the village with Inuyasha. Jaken Scuffed at that. "That Lady Kaede needs to be taught a lesson! Letting you be brought about my Inuyasha! Of all people, that clumsy oof.." Jaken Mumbled to himself. He was not pleased with this.

But when Jaken was done with his mumbling he asked Rin to continue the story. Jaken wanted to know as much as he could about this women.  Rin continued with the story.  She told Jaken about how they met Lady Kasumi on a hill with village children and how beautiful she was. She also told Jaken about how Inuyasha was fighting with Lady Kasumi, and Rin hoped that they would be all okay.

She finally told Jaken some pieces he was interested in.  She told Jaken the same story that Lady Kasumi told them. About the fighting between Lady Kasumi's and Sesshomaru's father, and Sesshomaru himself. She also mentioned that Lady Kasumi said that she fought with Sesshomaru. Rin continued with saying the story she was told. About how Lady Kasumi had betrayed her family and told Sesshomaru's father about the plan her family had of killing Sesshomaru, and how her clan was attacked by the very demon they could have taken down if they had worked together.

Jaken listened to the story carefully. As he listened he then noticed the name Lady Kasumi again and again. He started to feel like this was a name Sesshomaru mention once, maybe. "Rin, Tell me, was she a demon?" Jaken said.

Rin nodded. "I think so. She had green eyes but her pupils looked like cat eyes..."

Monday, February 8, 2016

Look at how cute she's gotten!

I've had this plant for maybe 3 years now! And she's been doing so well. I was worried when I moved she might not adjust well to the change. But she has.

I remember when she was really small and I just wanted to share so people could see how well she's been doing.

Mini Ocean

Oh I miss this. This was my mini ocean I use to have in my old house with my ex. I'm thinking of doing something similar to this just on a smaller scale. Big flower pots are just really heavy to get up stairs with no elevator. So going small might also just be something I have to do.

I know I want to pick up some smaller pieces of drift wood in the spring and pick up some pebbles, use some of my sea glass I already have, I also wanna see if I can find some small each urchin shells too, to also add.

These are nice to make because you can then have a bit of the ocean with you. <3 I also do sea magic and I'm really attached to the ocean so it also helps me feel less like I'm away from home.

Chapter Three

Inuyasha still wasn't to please with the idea of following this women. He felt hesitation and thought this women was setting up some kind of trap. He also still thought she was somehow to blame for the big demon aura he could smell. He watched her as they moved towards her home, although he felt like it might have been a trap he followed because his friends were interested in learning what they could from the women. Inuyasha wanted to cut this women down now, but he couldn't because of the others around him, and the fact that he had Kagome on his back and it would put her in danger.

The others seemed a bit more open minded and less afraid of this women. Rin was curious to learn things about this women. She found the lady interesting and her eyes were quite interesting. Mikuro on the other hand was quiet and he was rather just intent in hearing more info about this women. Kagome on the other hand believed her gut feeling about this women, demon, whom ever she was. Kagome believed that she wasn't a bad person, and Kagome wanted to get to the bottom of whats going on. Kagome also had an interest in hearing this women out for what she said about Inuyasha's Father and Brother.

The group grew increasing closer to Lady Kasumi's home. They all saw this big tree that was in front of them. As they got closer they noticed the size of the tree was getting bigger and bigger. The tree had great big leafs and thick branches. The tree was alive and it had no aura around it that Miruko, Inuyasha or Kagome could tell. It wasn't a demon tree.  And as they got closer they saw no home, no hutch near by. They just saw a very great tree. The group exchanged puzzled stares at each other. They weren't really sure what they were doing in front of a tree. Even one so great. They were suppose to be lead to a house.

Lady Kasumi stopped in front of the big tree and she bowed. Lady Kasumi stayed quiet as she did that.  As she did the wind picked up and the branches trebled in the wind.  It was like the great tree was welcoming her home.  Lady Kasumi took a few steps back and the others copied. Just at the moment they backed up, they saw as a opening formed in the tree, the branches crept down and created steps for them to walk up.

Lady Kasumi stood in between them and the tree. She waited until the tree stopped making noise and the branches had rested in its new state. "Thank you, Old friend" She said as she started to make her way up the steps.

Miroku  mouth was wide open, it hung as he looked on.  He couldn't believe what he saw. He also couldn't believe the energy he was now feeling from the tree. It was not a demon tree. He could feel a pure feeling. He had never seen something like this, Or felt something like this. Kagome also noticed the feeling too. It was a pure feeling of energy.  It was a feeling none of them ever felt. They all stood there stunned from what they saw.  And then they started to approach the tree.  Kirara transformed back to her smaller self.  She walked ahead of the others and made her way up the steps. The rest followed Kiara up the stairs. Lady Kasumi was nearly inside when she turned around and noticed that Rin was still at the bottom.

Rin, who was still in shock and amazement of this tree. She was scared to move, and much like the others self felt the same thing the others did. The pure feeling was also a lot for Rin to take in. Compared to the others she had never sensed energy.

"Young one," Lady Kasumi called down to Rin. Rin jerked as she looked up the steps and looked right in Lady Kasumi's direction. Lady Kasumi for a second, with the way she was looking at Rin. Rin felt like she was back with Sesshomaru. When he would tell her not to get lost. It was the way Lady Kasumi looked at her.

Rin got off of A-un and started to walk forward little by little towards the great tree. As she got to the steps she worried about A-un and if they would be safe outside.

"I'll take care of them." Rin heard a voice say as a small wisp of wind came by her ear. Rin looked around, she was confused. There was no one there, and Lady Kasumi was still up top waiting for her. The others had already entered the tree. So who was speaking to her?

Rin then noticed it, a tree branch had came forward, it was still attached to the tree. The branch was right at Rin's height. Rin Hesitantly put her hand on the branch, and as she did that she felt something. It felt like the tree was urging her and letting her know it was safe to leave A-un with it.  Rin then placed A-un's leash on the tree branch.

Rin waited for a few minutes and then Rin started to walk towards the steps. She put her first foot on the tree steps and then one after another she found herself up standing beside Lady Kasumi.

"They'll be fine." Lady Kasumi said.  Rin walked forward to sit with the others. Kagome and Miroku and Inuyasha were off with there eyes wondering around the room already.  The house its self was interesting. The house was inside of a big tree, which had spiritual powers of some kind. And the tree seem to have still lived even with Lady Kasumi inside of it. Kagome noticed a little bed in the corner of the room, but it was small, It was cat sized.

There was an area in this house that Lady Kasumi walked to first before she approached Inuyasha and the others. It looked like a herb section, It was an area with dried herbs, and Miroku noticed it was more then just dried herbs. Lady Kasumi collected some things before she joined sat down with the others. When she came over her hands were full of herbs and other things.

She sat on the ground and started to work on grinding something up into a find dust. When she finally spoke. "So, Where should I begin?" She asked as she broke off what looked like a dry branch and she kept grinding.

"May I ask what kind of tree is this?" Miroku asked.
"Its a spirit tree" Kasumi responded.
That answer gave very little answers to Miroku's question. At that point she decided to tell them her full story.

"My name is Lady Kasumi, and I'm the last of my clan. My clan fought against Inuyasha's family long ago. We were in funds with his family contently.  I, myself when I was younger, I was pulled into the fighting by my parents. They wanted me to fight against the great dog demons and destroy them. I clashed constantly and found myself always fighting against Sesshomaru..." She explained. "There was one day though, when we weren't fighting and I finally had a day to enjoy myself. I found a spring and it wasn't in inhabited and it wasn't in the dog demons land. So I expected I was safe enough to enjoy some time in there. And as I got in and started to relax that's when I met him. My enemy. Off of the battle field, He just looked in my direction and made eye contact with me. He then turned around and told me to forget us ever seeing each other and left."  Lady Kasumi stopped in the middle of the story and emptied out what she had made into a fine dust. She put the fine dust into little bags. She then picked up some little pills like the one's she gave to the monk, although they were a different color and started to put them into groups and she continued the story.

"We were in a middle of a trues of sorts. Or at least the great dog demons where with us. A great demon had came to our lands and threatened both families to swallow us hold, and we decided we would have to fight along side to slay the demon.  My family on the other hand was cruel and twist, and they saw this as an opportunity. My Family had a meeting with all of us, one day. And they let us know about the plan. It was to get rid of our two problems at once. We were going to fight along side the dog demons long enough so they felt like they could trust us, and we would use our powers to help weaken the demon, But in a split second we would over power the dog demons with one simply act. We would kill Sesshomaru. I was given the right to slay him where he stood. With the loss of the great dog demons only child, He would no doubt-able kill the demon that threaten us and in the process he would kill himself. "

Lady Kasumi words sliced into the group. Her words were full of sorrow and anguish, and at the same time you could hear her tone of sickness of her family. Lady Kasumi was working through the other stuff she brought out, it looked as thought she was fidgeting while she was telling the story. Rin felt concerned for her, and wondered if this story would even have a happy ending. Miroku and the others wondered why she was working with these tools while she told the story. Until it started to come together that she wasn't just fooling around with herbs and other things, but she was creating weapons.

Lady Kasumi cleared her throat and continued with the story. "I was against to this plan at the very start.  I informed my parents this would be a bad plan because I would most likely be slain in the process, and there would be repercussions for there actions. But they said it was for the better of our clan. If one member dies to save thousandth it can't be helped. My Clan was focused on this being the only plan and I fight with honor, not disrespecting a trues. I warned and warned my family until I gave up, I felt like they wouldn't budge, and I needed too. So I went to Inuyasha's father.  We met in a private location, and I told him what was planned." She paused.  She looked at Inuyasha. "Your father was in raged by this plan. He told me to leave at once,and never come back for my safety. So I left quickly and when I got home, my family knew what happened and how I disgraced our family by talking to the enemy, and telling them our plan. For that I was disowned, and paraded around, my name made my tribe feel disgusted. I was a stain for my family. My family kept me as a prisoner and tortured me. Up until one night. I hear a loud noise and it sounded like one of the walls feel in. As I heard that, I searched and the wind swiped forward and caught a scent and brought it back to me.  It was a demon scent. It was a strong scent. While I could pick up on the demon, I also noticed another scent. This was a scent I knew. It made me feel safe somehow. After that scent calmed me only for a few minutes I heard screaming and I smelt blood of my family. Before I knew it, my cell had been ripped open. I could only look up for but a moment and when I did, I saw it. It was a great demon. It was horrifying to see. Before I knew it though, I blacked out and at some point in time I came too. I found myself with a small sack of belongs, and I found this very kimono wrapped around me. I didn't know much of what was going on, due to the heavy abuse I suffered. But, I slowly figured it out. And the person who saved me also told me little details.  He carried me out of the cell my parents had put me in, and he had helped me get to safety and be saved from the fate my family suffered.  When I was finally able to look after myself, he left one day and didn't return. I suspected he wanted me to look after myself.

And before you think, I'm not telling this story so you can feel sorry for my family. They made their bed, and they deserved what they got. If they had done the trues, no one would have died. They were doomed. Selfish actions can be deadly. The downside to my selfish family is when they got kill they also let this demon free, And that is the very demon that is outside of the village. Who is inching closer and closer. And the only way I know of defeating him is to work with you, Inuyasha. Or somehow find Sesshomaru. Before sunset. Which isn't going to happen"

Lady Kasumi made eye contact with Inuyasha. She didn't yet feel safe enough to share her identify of what kind of demon she was. She also felt like if he saw he would understand better than she ever could explaining it.  She held a tight glance with him.  "Even if you don't want to fight with me, I will fight." Lady Kasumi said.

Lady Kasumi had be prepping for this fight for a few hundred years now, and she was sure she could kill the demon by herself. But apart of her was also scared of her ending her own life while doing it. But she was ready to kill the demon that her family let free.

Rin was crying softly from the story. Rin understood some of the pain that Lady Kasumi felt, because she went though something similar. But it still pained her to hear this story of great pain, and how Lady Kasumi went through so much, and yet she was still gentle and looked after the village children. She was also surprised in a pleasant way to know someone else had met Lord Sesshomaru, and also received his kindness.  Rin wanted to ask her a question, but she could tell the moment was tense.

Kagome and Miroku were worried by what they just heard. If this was a demon that Inuyasha's father had faced how big was it then? How strong was it? And what could they do to help? And what about the villagers? Was Lady Kasumi willing to let all of those lives go? All of these questions and more filled up their heads and just as they were about to speak up, Inuyasha spoke.

"I'll do it" Inuyasha said. "I didn't expect that monk to send us up the hill for us to say hello, and watch you send the children off. I'll finish sometimes my old man should have finished." He stated.

"Can we help also?" Kagome asked.  Her and the Miroku where willing to help if there was a way.

Lady Kasumi paused before she spoke. She had to think about what she was about to say. She had been working on weapons. But at the same time, this is a battle for her to fight. It was a battle that could have been finished a long time ago, and involving humans felt out of the question for her. She wouldn't be able to fight the demon with humans around, and she wouldn't be able to protect them if something happened.  She also felt like this fight could be a losing battle, and the risk of her or Inuyasha loosing there life was a high risk. It also was a realistic risk because Inuyasha was only a half demon and he wouldn't be able to fight the same as a full demon would.

"I've been making weapons. They might not look like much, They are different than the traidional weapons you might be use to. But these work." Lady Kasumi stated as she started to pass some stuff out, She didn't give anything to Rin, she wanted to keep the young one out of it.

She handed things to Miroku and Kagome and they both took things and held onto them. She passed them the dust she made, she used cation with what she was handing them. They were weapons after all, and they were made with things she had picked up over the years. Lady Kasumi next handed them both little pill's. Both of them received about 100 each. They were similar to what she gave the monk early in the day. But these were pale in color, and they were hard.

"What are these?" Kagome asked holding up one.

"Its poison" She said. "It's been made the same way my family would have made it. Be careful. Its very toxic when it comes into contact with demons skin. And we'll be using it for this demon. Normally I wouldn't hand this out, let alone to humans but today is a different day. "

After she was done giving out the pills she had nothing more to hand out.  She felt like she was about to lead these people to there death. She wanted them to understand the gravity of the decision they were about to make.

"We might be fighting together, but I need to voice this. I also need you all to listen and understand what you are about to walk into. I will not be able to protect any of you. If I tell any of you to back down and leave. Do so. And this includes you Inuyasha. " Lady Kasumi's voice hissed with the warning.

"Look Lady, I don't need your advice, I can take care of myself. And this demon your so worked up about we haven't even see. We don't even know how strong it is. So don't tell us orders. I'm fighting and I will not listen to your orders." Inuyasha said.

Lady Kasumi shook her head and sighed. "What an idiot." she thought to herself. She didn't address it because she felt like it would just cause a truffle. Which would do nothing for them when they are about to fight something so strong. Divided them up wouldn't make much sense at this point.  She planned she was going to still tell them when to back down if the fight becomes to much, and if Inuyasha gets in the way, she may even need to hurt him so he no longer becomes a problem.  This was a battle, not a competition of who could kill the demon first.

With that Lady Kasumi set her sights on Rin. Rin was quiet during this all and Lady Kasumi wanted to protect her.

"Young one." She said. "I haven't even got your name yet." she said towards Rin.

Lady Kasumi ignored Inuyasha's out burst which annoyed him, and the group just looked at her, Miroku and Kagome were amazed that she just ignored Inuyasha and her attention moved quickly to Rin. For Inuyasha it bugged him. He felt very ticked off and he let out a huge huffle noise in hopes of the others noticing. "This women" he thought to himself.

Lady Kasumi paid no mind to Inuyasha, she was still focused on Rin. She was focus on the one person she hadn't spoken to yet.

"Oh, my name is Rin." She said softly.
"Rin. That's a lovely name. I have a feeling you aren't interested in fighting, are you." Lady Kasumi stated. Rin nodded. She wasn't interested in fighting. She was there to do a task Kaede sent her on and now that its over she was scared.  Lady Kasumi had one thing left she was about to give out. It was the same kind of stone she gave to the monk. And this stone had the same purpose as the one she gave to the village monk early in the day. The stone was connected with Lady Kasumi's life energy.  As she handed it to Rin, a light showed up on the stone. It had a green glow to it. Lady Kasumi explained what it was.

"I want you to live." Lady Kasumi said. "That is why you have received this stone."
Rin looked at the rock, and held it tightly.

Lady Kasumi asked everyone to leave the tree, including Rin. So everyone gathered what they were given and they all made there way out of the tree. They walked down the tree branch steps. Once they got to the bottom they backed away from the tree. Lady Kasumi bowed towards the tree, as she did that the tree's great branches moved away and no longer were shaped as steps. The opening they went through also started to close.  A soft breeze went by as the tree went back to resting. The only thing that stayed from when it transformed was the little branch that A-un's leash was held on.

Lady Kasumi approached the tree and she rest her hand on it. She stayed quiet for a few seconds as she bid her friend good bye.  Rin walked forwards to A-un to move them away from the tree too. She took a hold of the leash. Lady Kasumi wanted her to live, Just as everyone else has wanted her to. Just like Sesshomaru wanted he to a few years ago. And she also wanted to live, but she wanted A-un to live also. As she removed the Leash from the branch she heard a voice.

"Be safe and well, Rin." It was the same voice she heard before.  She felt the same wisp of wind by her ear. She looked up and nodded towards the tree. Rin whispered a soft thank you before she lead A-un back to the others.  Rin walked back to the others and Lady Kasumi approached her. Rin stopped and stood right in front of her.

Lady Kasumi looked down at the small girl.  She could sense some fear from her, and she could smell the demon getting closer. At that point Lady Kasumi choice it would be now she would get Rin to safety.

"Rin, I want you to think of somewhere's or someone who makes you feel safe." Lady Kasumi said. Rin thought for a second, and with that she already picked her person who makes her feel safe. It wasn't the village or Kaede. But the person she felt the most safe with, even now was Lord Sesshomaru.
Rin Nodded her head. "I have it." Rin said to Lady Kasumi.
"I want you to think of the reasons on why this person or this place is safe. I want you to also feel the safety at this very moment." Lady Kasumi said. "Let me know when you have it, and you feel safe." She said.

Rin thought about all of the times that Sesshomaru had came to protect her. The times when she woke up in Sesshomaru's arms, or when he was peering down on her after she has fallen. She also thought about the times he would come by and see her in the village. Sesshomaru made her feel safe and at easy.

"I have it." Rin said. She had her eyes closed and she was feeling safe in the image of her following Sesshomaru around.

"Rin." Lady Kasumi said. "Hold on tightly to A-un. And keep your eyes closed."

Rin kept her eyes closed and focused on what Lady Kasumi said. Lady Kasumi lifted up her right hand. She opened it and her palm was down to the ground. She had her arm pointed towards Rin. A wind slowly formed.

Inuyasha and the others looked at Rin. The wind slowly swirled around Rin and A-un. As the wind swirled around her, it held Rin. It was like the wind was creating a safe nest or bubble for Rin to be inside. The wind on the outside became stronger and strong, It started to pull some of the leafs off of the spirit tree and with that, little soft lights swirled around Rin and A-un. As this kept up, the wind became strong enough to pick up Rin and A-un. The wind took off with a gust and no one could see Rin or the gust of wind Or the spirit Tree's leafs.

Everyone stood in shock, as Lady Kasumi was quiet, she still had her hand up and she was still concerting. At this point she was moving Rin to the safe place Rin wished to go. But even Lady Kasumi couldn't know who or were Rin wanted to go.

"What have you done?" Yelled Kagome.

* * *

On the inside of the coon of wind Rin felt like she was being held by powerful hands.  The wind was still soft to Rin and A-un.  The wind was cupping both of them as it safely moved them to the destitution Rin wanted to go for. Rin and A-un weren't even aware that they were already off of the ground and were no longer around Lady Kasumi. In fact they where already miles away.

 Rin heard a voice. It was the same voice as before.
"Rin, Keep thinking of this place or person." Rin heard. It was Lady Kasumi's voice.

The wind was moving quickly as it made its way to Rin's safe place or person. The wind finally landed when it found the place or person.  The wind had searched and it found.

The wind stopped moving and it landed right in front of Lord Sesshomaru.

"Who are you!?" Jaken yelled at the wind.

"Jaken." Sesshomaru warned.

Jaken quickly shushed. Jaken still kept an eye on the wind. He was worried this could be another demon that wanted to fight with Sesshomaru and was too much of a coward to show itself.   However Sesshomaru didn't seem alarmed at all. He just stood there and watched.

Jaken didn't realize that Sesshomaru already knew what was going on. He had seen this wind before, and he also could smell Rin. Sesshomaru didn't just smell her, but he could pick up the scent of the one that brought Rin there.

The powerful wind slowed its self down to a softer slumber as it set Rin and A-un back on the ground. Just ask it did, The voice from before spoke for one final time. It was Lady Kasumi voice.

"Rin, open your eyes." Lady Kasumi voice said.  Rin slowly opened her eyes and as she did she saw Sesshomaru and Jaken in front of her. "How did I..?" Rin said in a puzzled voice.

Rin had no wounds on her, she was perfectly fine. Same with A-un.

"Rin! What are you doing here?" Jaken blurted out.

"Lord Sesshomaru! Jaken!" Rin said. She wanted to tell Sesshomaru who she just met and she wanted Sesshomaru to go and help Lady Kasumi fight.

Sesshomaru looked a Rin, and Finally spoke. "Did you Met Lady Kasumi?" He asked.

Rin nodded.

"Jaken, look after Rin." Without Jaken even speaking or protesting this order he was just given Sesshomaru had taken off.

Jaken's mouth hung open. He was so annoyed he was once again moved to the baby sitter position, and he had to look after this human. He also was rather displeased because it meant that Lord Sesshomaru left him behind, again. Jaken Haven't been left behind for awhile now, he was finally back at his Lord's side. Up until now.

"I thought this is why we left her with Kaede!" Jaken said to himself.