So I'm thinking about starting to write my own Inuyasha fanfiction. I'm thinking I might do a story with Sesshomaru. I want to create a demon character. I'm thinking about writing a story based off of Sesshomaru and his young childhood and a women he hasn't seen in a while. I think its also not going to be a progressive love story. But I'm not sure yet. I do want to keep up with Sesshomaru's character. I'm going to just stick to the kinder one we got to see at the end of inuyasha. I'm also going to toss inuyasha in the group in for a little bit.
I'm also going to make the female a cat demon character, but compared to the cat clan they did have in inuyasha which I think was something like panthers I want to do a great cat demon, and its one and only heir left.
So yeah I'm excited.
I'm also in super love of Sesshomaru. I also have. Which is why I'm going to be a geek. But I'll be posting my fan fiction here, compared to on tumblr. So if you want to look for it, I'll tag it as fanfiction.
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