Thursday, February 25, 2016


So I got mail yesterday, it was a package! I had to go and pick it up at the post office so I got it after my appointment yesterday. When I got it, I felt a little shocked because I haven't ordered anything recently so it was really surprising!   I feel so special and thankful and happy, and really glad.  When I walked home and even to the post office I felt really special and kinda spoiled. So I happily bounced home with my package in my purse.

When I got home I opened it slowly. I ended up getting a two 3ds games and a book I added on my wishlist.  I never got a note but I ended up figuring out who sent it to me! It was a really sweet person from tumblr.

I got this game. I haven't tried it yet. But it looks really good. I also find the girl with the red hair really cute! Sakura is super cute. I wanna be able to hear the music and stuff so I haven't played it yet. I've been busy listening to videos on youtube and doing other things. 

But I think I might play it tonight for a bit. 

This is the other game I got! To be really honest I've been so interested in getting this game! I've been so excited about it when it came out, and now I have it, and I haven't stopped playing it. I've done the school, hospital and the cafe and shop and I've done a few peoples houses too.  I've been playing it a lot. Its fun.

It makes me think of my calico critters or a digital version of doll house making. Its also nice because you get feed back from the people who you are working for.

This is the book I got. Its about the women who were kidnapped in Cleveland. I've been kinda interested in reading some books like this. I know I've seen a few documentaries about women who have been kidnapped, but they've been more in the view of the case and police work. So I think it might be interesting to read a book from a victim.   I feel like these kinds of books might also help me with my recovery. Because these books show the peoples strength they have when they go threw something really horrid. 

I'll write a book review when I'm done reading it. I feel like this is going to be a slow read just because of the content. 

But I'm really thankful for my new items, my gifts are amazing. I spent a few minutes hugging them, and I know I'm going to enjoy all of these things.

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