Tuesday, February 16, 2016


The cherry blossoms are coming out in my town! It makes me really happy.  I can't wait because the town is going to be painted pink soon.  I know this year I'm going to take pictures of the trees down a street out by where I live. Because the full street is nothing but bloom. 
My picture from a few years ago. 

I'm also really glad too, because a lot of flowers are coming out. I've seen some, Daffodils, Prunus (Which is our cherry blossoms) , Rhodonendrons, Snow Drops, and Crocuses.

I love seeing life start in the new year. It always feels so fresh. It also makes me remember that each year is a birth to a new life. Because some of these flowers do come from bulbs that had been planted years before. Which makes me think of my life. I was born years ago, like a bulb being put in the ground. But each year I grow as a person and identify new things about me. Just like a bulb grows its flower each year. 

That probably sounds really cheesy.

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