Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Life Bullets

  • After I'm done my fan fiction of Inuyasha,  I think I might really continue with my character and write more. I feel like this is a character I really adore. I know I have some readers. I know I found a few tumblr blogs with writing improve for OC's.  I also wanna try and draw Lady Kasumi more. Shes a fun character. And the more I learn about Bakeneko the more ideas I get.

    I'm going to keep researching because I want to make her character adorable.   I feel kinda bad because shes getting so crabby at Inuyasha. >:/ But he deserves it! That horrid half breed! Respect Lady Kasumi! Stop acting like an entitled brat!
  • I also made an OC tumblr. I'm not sure what I'm going to do with it yet.
  • Its been really nice here lately. Its been sunny and warmer, so I've been leaving the window open so we can get some fresh air. Its also just nice to see the sun. Our winters aren't bad, its just very cloudy because of the rain.
  • Vikings start the month! Ekkk. Thats so exciting, and I'm so glad! I've been waiting since last winter.  I love the story. 

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