Saturday, February 20, 2016

Fills me with sadness

One of the things that cause my heart to ache so badly is when I see photos of people picking up animals, like marine animals that can only live in water and passing them around. If people were passing it so it could make it to the ocean faster, thats understandable. But when its a crowd of people, passing on something that is clinging onto life and showing it to others. That to me is on another scale.

The reason on why this upsets me is because people take selfies with these animals, and while they are enjoying and giggling and making memories and thinking they can share photos with there friends and family and tell people they got to hold a baby sea animal. What your really doing is taking photos of you enjoying yourself while the animal is dying in your arms.  You are documenting the fact that you aren't someone who really cares about animal welfare.

I love marine life, I love animals, I love everything. I understand wanting to take photos and wanting to document your life. Wanting to show people. I like photography, I have friends who are photographers, I have friends that take selfies. But documenting your life shouldn't be putting something else at risk.

weather its human, animal. You shouldn't be sacrificing somethings life so you can get that amazing photo.

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