Monday, April 20, 2015

Adult play ground

I'm not sure about some of you, but one of the things I really liked having up until I was 14 was a playground. I had one in my back yard when I was younger, and I would have kept playing on it, if I hadn't moved. It was homemade and it was meant for taller people.

None the less, I've noticed that playgrounds have gotten smaller and smaller, which means big people, adults don't tend to get to play as much. I'm not really sure who ever had the idea that adults don't like to play, but whomever it is, is sadly mistaken.  Because there's not playgrounds out here for adults, I've been grabbing ideas for my own future playground, that will be built to my size.  
These would be the rules I would have posted. 
Something like that but more adult size! 
Something like this would be neat to have too. :3  It also would have be to adult size. I'm thinking a good weight limit would be maybe 500 pounds. 
I wanna make something like this so I can play on, in the back yard along with my boyfriend or friends that come over. I also would like it too, because I could make myself a little hide away. 

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