Saturday, April 18, 2015


I really like Centaurs. I love the pastel colored ones from Disney. And Disney is one of the reasons why I found out about Centaurs. It was my gateway, I also really love the Fantasia movies, which is where centaurs are introduced, and for me that was the first movie I learnt and saw Centaurs.

 I also really like the most classic Centaurs, from greek mythology. I found this on I took the full quote from them.
 " Centaurs are half-human, half-horse creatures in Greek mythology. They have the body of a horse and the torso, head and arms of a man. They were considered to be the children of Ixion, king of the Lapiths, and Nephele, a cloud made in the image of Hera. According to a different myth, however, they were all born from the union of a single Centaurus with the Magnesian mares. One of the best known centaurs is Chiron or Cheiron, a wisecentaur. Although most centaurs were depicted as lustful and wild, Chiron was a notable exception; modest and civilised, he was known for his medicinal skills and teaching abilities. He lived on Mount Pelion in Thessaly and was the tutor of a number of Greek mythical characters such as Achilles and Aesculapius. He was immortal; however, he was accidentally wounded by Heracles with an arrow treated with the blood of the monster Hydra, causing him insufferable pains. So, when Heracles asked his father to free Prometheus and Zeus demanded that someone must be sacrificed, Chiron volunteered and died, both to free Prometheus and himself from the pain. More: Heracles, Prometheus Centaur is also called Centaurus, Centaurs." 

I also recently found a manga that has to do with a centaur, its called "Centaur No Nayami" The english title is called "A Centaurs Life" The manga is really good. I like it because its a simple read, and its easy to follow, but its cute. There is centaurs and other monsters creatures and its just really good. Thats it. I really want to get the manga because its really good. And I like buying and supporting manga I like. Its a good manga, its cute, its funny. Its also a slice of life. 

 I also made that just a few minutes ago, I made myself and my boyfriend into centaurs. I gave myself white hair, because I really love my white wig, I also made me purple-ish and my boyfriend has blue, because blue is his favorite color. My boyfriend also has blonde hair. I had fun making us.

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