Saturday, April 4, 2015

Adulting- Budgeting

My boyfriend and I have been talking about doing some budgeting. We both are on a fixed income and we both have desires of things we want to get. And because of that we need to start saving and looking at things in a more... normal-ish way. I'm really use to seeing something I want and spending money for it. But I can't do that. It's not realistic.

I feel like the idea of having a budget and putting money away for me to spend on stuff I would like to get, seems more realistic. It also seems a little like getting allowance. Like what you would get as a child.  I like it, because I can work towards a saving goal, but also in a realistic way.  I also can then think about what I'm going to buy and stuff.

 So I do need to look at my money and figure out what I spend where and then use a chart like above.  We do know some of the stuff, my boyfriend needs to do the math on some other things. And then I can start doing savings.

Last month I didn't spend much money on myself, other then food, rent, phone, and a few treats at school.

I am excited about the idea of having an amount of fun money to save.

 That way I know I have something for me to spend when I want to get something, like treats. :3 Like japanese goodies, books, fashion stuff. ect.

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