Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Letter To Me

Dear Me,
Hello there! Its me! I haven't bother to really spend sometime writing a letter to you. I wrote you one a year ago I think. But I haven't really thought about doing it again recently until now. I've been thinking a lot about my passed and all the stuff I've been doing because of you.
We've passed English and we'll be moving on to biology once I get my grades back. Do you realize how great this is? We've been trying so hard to get back on track with education. We had some stuff that stopped us, like the mental illness and the social anxiety and phobia, and we've lucked out so far with our class sizes, but still. Look at what we are doing. A few years ago, we wouldn't have done this. We would have been locked inside of a house, scared to leave, let alone sit in a class with a bunch of people we don't know!  
We are on track for that goal, marine biology. We are so close to that, once we do our first semester of marine biology and we pass, there is a promise for our first tattoo.  I'm excited about that and you should be too.  
I feel like the passed few years, and even these few months, after the breakup I've really learnt a bunch about me. I've learnt how to be strong, how to carry myself and keep going. When the breakup first happened, I was truly scared I'd end up falling on my face or moving to somewheres I didn't want to go. but I'm so proud to see how strong I was able to keep going. I was able to find myself the help I needed, track down people, and keep doing what I wanted to do. Years ago I would have probably been destroyed by the breakup and moved back home. But not this time, and that really really surprised me. I had no idea how strong I was. 
The city we have moved to, and called our home is truly beautiful, the people out here are really beautiful too. And I feel like this positive place has really helped me find my home and my own strength within myself, and this place has helped us heal so much.  We've also found our own beauty. And I mean that, I feel beautiful, I feel like I know what beauty is, and I feel like I can say with confidence i'm beautiful. I can go outside and feel that. 
We are getting far in life. We are young, we still have a lot of time to do a bunch of things. Just remember, we are taking our life one step at a time. 
Lets keep staying on track and beating our mental illnesses! <3 Anxiety, depression, ptsd, ocd, ya'll can leave me. I have no more interest in housing you inside of my body! Leave!  

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