Sunday, April 19, 2015

Week without picking

I've been about a week without going into the bathroom, locking myself in there and picking at my skin, causing bruises and bleeding. Its been a full week of me not doing that. I don't know if a lot of people know what that feels like. But its really great. I looked up some stuff online in ways to help me deal, and my boyfriend has also helped me cope.

I do skin picking when I'm anxious, I also do it when I feel like I've let down or hurt someone, but in this passed week I haven't felt like that. I've also been really giggly and I'm really trying to leave that habit behind.  Its counted as an OCD so its not as easy as it sounds. And it really makes me feel really ugly and bad after I do a really big picking episode. I'll pick until my skin hurts, and its already been bleeding and bruising. 

I've found some stuff that helps, talking to my friends, removing myself from situations that suck, I also have found out about wearing gloves. And that I think is going to help me when I get the urge to. 

I've also found a website called So I'm going to click around and browse it. I also might look into other sites and possible some books. but I'm not too sure yet. I don't want to overwhelm myself.

 I have scars from my skin picking already. I just really need to stop future scares from happening.


This all being said, I've done a week without picking and my boyfriend and I have talked about getting me a treat if I can do it for so much of a long time. I can't remember what we picked it to be. But I don't mind re-asking and really figuring it out.  :) It could be something really simple or a toy I've been wanting. 

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