Saturday, January 23, 2016

Alan Rickman

Its been awhile now since Alan Rickman has passed away. (he passed away on the 14th of this month) and I've been wanting to make a post about him because I really loved him as an actor but I always feel like I'm at a loss for words and apart of me just wants to sob when I think about the fact that one of my favorite male actors has passed away. Alan Rickman was one of the first male actors I had a crush on. I remember being 10 or maybe 11, when I first watched the harry potter movie and he popped up on screen. I really liked him. I watched all of the harry potter movies because I found him the most interesting actor I had ever saw. 

As I went on to figure out that he wasn't just Snape, but he was a bunch of different people, I was interested in finding the movies he was in to watch them. Some of my favorite movies I saw him in was Sweeney Todd, and I thought his singing voice was amazing. I also really liked him in Perfume, and I really really liked him in Sense and Sensibility.

I was also shown that he read a really lovely poem 2 years ago when I was in English upgrading.

I really love his voice because its so calming when he reads. I'm also a big fan of Shakespeare and I was so excited when I found out he did a reading. And I also just found a playlist of him doing all kinds of readings. Which I'll probably listen too when I'm anxious.

I also really wanted to send him a letter to try and get an autograph from him, but I ended up never doing it, and I feel kind of sad I wasn't able to, because I wasn't able to tell him I really did like his work and seeing him in movies, even Sweeney Todd, it made me feel happy. I felt like he always brought life to a films and he was one of the first people I've ever met that made me realize living is important and there aren't just bad people in the world.

All I can say now is if there is a life after death, I hope he knows there are people out there that really adored him, and that he made me feel good when I watched his movies or listened to his singing voice. I also hope when ever I pass away I will be able to meet him then. Because I'd really would like to thank him.

RIP Alan Rickman. You will always be missed.

I also hope your wife and family are doing okay with the loss of you.

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