Monday, January 18, 2016


I've been looking into kimonos, I know when I was younger, around 14 I really wanted to get a kimono to wear. The most I ever got was this really cute Chinese dress that I use to wear sometimes, but mostly at home. 

I still want a kimono to wear some day, I love the dress of it, I love how it looks and just the colors and the layers that are wore. I just find it really lovely fashion. I also realize its really expansive so I think I would only ever buy one I really adore.  

I really like the kimono furisode style the most, Its also the fashion that unmarried women wear.  I feel like If I ever got a kimono I would either want to order it from a really nice kimono website,  preferable only from a Japanese website. Or if I ever go to Japan buy one there and wear it in japan around an area that I wouldn't stand out as a sore thumb around. I feel like it would be really lovely to go to a festival that a kimono is okay to wear too.

I also know out here, well on the mainland they also have really nice Japanese celebrations and some of my lolita friends have gone to them before while wearing a kimono.

I really love the look of purple kimonos. If I couldn't get a kimono, or it was just to heavy to bring back to Canada,  I probably would also get a yukata (which is a summer kimono, which is lighter and made out of a different fabric, cotton and it also has less layers.)

Like above is a super lovely yukata! 

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