Friday, January 1, 2016

Earth Quake Kit?

A few days ago, we had an earth quake. It wasn't a super bad one, but it shook the house for a short amount of time and It did scared me. I first felt shaking in the bed, and I thought it was me being anxious, and then I noticed stuff was shaking and I started to wonder if I was just dissociating or seeing things, because it happens to me. I get the feeling also of falling forward a lot even if I'm awake and it scares me. I didn't think it was real until my boyfriend seemed altered by the sound and the shaking.

I'm thinking though, just because earth quakes happen and bad things happen due to nature and it going on its own path. It might be good just to have some kind of kit. To keep us warm and not hungry if the power ever went out. I know we'd be fine with being warm, because we have so many blankets, but maybe a thermal blanket would be smart to do, and then buy some batteries and a few other things. I know I do want to get a first aid kit, and I've been wanting to get one for a few years now.

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