Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Day 6

Day 6 – What do you do in your free time? 

When I feel up to it, I go out and do some photography. I'll take pictures of local areas that catch my eye that are lovely and full of plants or interesting objects. Its winter and rainy so I don't tend to take my camera outside during this season. But I do have older photographs I've taken and posted on here or on my facebook. :) Much like photography If I feel up to it, I'll also go on walks and go on advantages, hang out with my friends or go to the beach and relax. (Not the best idea when its raining and really windy! That being said I totally want to go out storm watching and see huge waves.)

If its not photography, then I read, listen to music, watch movies or documentaries or play a game for my 3ds. I also sometimes color. I also blog on here and I reblog things on tumblr and just check my social media. (Because I have nothing better to do!) 

:) I feel like that might be everything.

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