Tuesday, January 12, 2016

David Bowie

When I first found out he passed away I was sad, I only have seen one more he was in, and I thought the movie was lovely. It was Labyrinth and I thought that movie was just really stunning and I thought he really suited the king. But that being said I never looked much more into him, I found out yesterday I have heard some of his music and I did like some of his songs, but again, I didn't know of him. I wasn't a fan, I didn't actively seek out his movies, and music. But When I found out he passed away I felt like saying RIP was good. Because someone passed away, someone was loved by his friends and family, and his fans. People are hurt by his loss, I can only imagine the pain his wife has to deal with. And I also know he died from cancer. So I do believe he should rest in peace and I think his family and friends have the right to mourn, the right to feel sad, and the right to grieve.

I wasn't in the day and age when he commuted his crimes,but from googling it seems that it was even illegal than to have sex with a minor.  Which really makes me feel sad and at the same time angry at myself for even thinking that RIP it okay for someone how did things like that. And at the same time it makes me feel like I'm a bit of a hypocrite.

I also feel like people should be aware of what he did when he was alive, and I think people shouldn't sweep it under the rug as 'oh well he is dead now' or 'it wasn't like now.' or 'everyone had sex in that day and age.' I think its important to note the negative things people do, especially when its a crime or a criminal offends.

So I guess where I sit with this he should rest in peace because he was probably going through pain due to his cancer and I think his family and friends should be given respects because they lost a loved one. But I think its also really important for people to know what he did, because it was a really bad thing.

I think the other thing is this: You can forgive people, that doesn't ever mean you need to forget what they did. Or feel like what they did no longer hurts you, or angers you.

But those are my thoughts on what happened.

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