Saturday, January 2, 2016

Melanie Martinez

I've been listening to Melanie Martinez lately. Her music is beautiful and she also has a super interesting singing style and I feel like she also has a unique way of singing. Shes also super cute! I feel also really happy because her front teeth seem have a gap, Although her gap is bigger then mine, it just makes me feel good to see someone with also gappy teeth.

My favorite songs from her is :

  • Mad Hatter
  •  tag your it.
  • And Lastly Milk and cookies.  
She's really adorable. Also for some reason she makes me think she could have been a character from Paradise Kiss, Which is a manga and anime. I don't really know why I feel like she'd be in that anime other then her outfits are always adorable. I just feel like she would be friends probably with Miwako. 

I feel like she would be super interesting to see live. >W< Maybe if she comes to Canada some day I could see her live! 

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