Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Beach Cleanup

During the weekend I went to my beach clean up. It was really good.  The beach we went to is a really big beach. Well I feel like its more like a beach, rock cliffs, more beach, more rock cliffs.  You can climb the rock cliffs. They can be really slippery and dangerous so you have to be careful.

The clean up was nice, I was rather glad that I didn't feel clustered up with people. It also rained that day so I think there might have been less turn out.

I went up to more of the shore line and I picked up trash that was in the tide line. Stuff was hidden under sea weeds. I found a lot of plastics, rope, beer bottle tops. My friend came with me and she found a beer can. We also picked up sea glass, because its pretty and I also would count that as trash. We also found glasses on the beach and I found a knife. It was 18 inches. It was super rusted out.

But yeah I had fun that day, and I think my friend had fun too.

(Photo by her)

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