Thursday, March 3, 2016

Do not harm her

Do not harm her, Do not destroy her,
You are only the creator, but it doesn't mean you have
the power to control.  You do not own what you have made.

Do not mane her with the vile words. Do not try and make her
feel like she is nothing. Do not play with her emotions like she is putty.
For when shes older she will not forgive you.

Do not speak words that are fill of hate, Do not fly them at her like they are a
dart hitting a board. She is not a target. She is a human.  The words you speak to harm
they do just that. They harm and there pain will always be there.
Hold your tongue if you want to speak nasty to her.

For the words you plan on using that are full of hate and venom will forever last.
Each word will hit her like a dagger and when the wound feels healed it will reopen.
Each of those words, they will eat up her soul. Her heart. Her worth.

So for her sake,  do not speak words of hate.

Do not scream at her when she does something you dislike,
Do not scream at her when she doesn't do something right.
Do not scream at her.

Do not hit her when she has done something wrong, Do not hit her when she has
done something you hate. She is not yours. She is going to make mistakes.
Do not show her that side of the world, shelter her from it for as long as you can.
Show her that abuse isn't normal. Show her that there is no reason for anyone to
ever loose it. No matter what.

For if you do, those wounds will forever stay. Those cuts, bruises and scars will always
feel fresh, even if they have healed physically.
Each of those will last for a life time.
She will forever search for reasons why. You also may be setting her up to accept this
behavior from others.

So for her sake, do not hit her.
Do not ever let those hands touch her soft skin.

Do not sexually abuse her. For each of these acts will forever be ingrained in her mind.
She will forever feel shame and as she brought what happened to her on herself.
Do not sexually abuse her, for you are breaking a bond that will never be repaired.
Do not sexually abuse her, for she will never be able to understand herself.

For if you do, she will forever struggle. She will struggle with her life, identity, sexuality.
She will have raging wars of mental illness. She will feel invalided and destroyed from the inside out.
She will never be able to trust again, and she will always feel shame.

So for her sake, do not sexually abuse her. Do not touch her.

Do not destroy her. She is not meant to be destroyed. She is meant to be treasured
and cherish. She is meant to rise up and create this world into something she sees.
She is meant to fill your life up with love, just like you are to fill hers up with love.

Do not harm her, for she isn't yours. She is a living being.
She is young, and naive. She is full of life and curiosity.  She should be cared for.

Do not harm her.

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