Thursday, March 3, 2016

BPD group

So I found a bpd group in my area. Its ran by peers and its also a support group. I've never really been to a support group before so I'm not really sure what to expect.  Well I expect that people are going to be nice, and are going to look 'normal.' But I just don't know what its going to be like? Like what are people going to talk about, not going to talk about. Stuff like that. I know that they don't do the medical stuff a doctor would do. (like give you meds to say you have bpd.)

 But it'll be nice to even just be around people who also deal with BPD, and to feel like I'm not alone. And also so I don't feel like a freak or like a super sensitive person.

I showed the pamflet to my worker also, and he said its a good idea to go. So I'll be going next Wednesday at 7.

I feel kinda excited. Right now at least. I know the day of, I'll feel really anxious and nerves.

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