Tuesday, March 8, 2016


Skipping or jump rope, What ever you want to call it. I find it fun. I remember one of the reasons on why I liked skipping is it made me feel really girly. Mostly because my hair would bounce. A few years ago I bought myself a skip rope to start working out.

I did skipping back when I was in middle school and younger, I also use to do jump rope for heart, well I used to. So I enjoyed skipping.

So I've been thinking I should get back into doing something active. My case worker for mental health was also telling me that working out is really good for helping mend depression because when you work out, it lets out endorphin's. Skippinig is also good for your heart.
I'm kind of scared of people staring at me in public but I think I could start skipping at the park. I'm not sure when I'll start. But I might start soon.

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