Saturday, March 12, 2016

Lets Clean Up Our Beach!

“We are tied to the ocean. And when we go back to the sea, whether it is to sail or to watch, we are going back from whence we came.” —John F. Kennedy
So this weekend I think I'm going out for my first beach clean up. I'm probably going to wear my old sneakers and I might bring my gardening gloves with me. I think its important to look after our oceans. I think its important to look after the little bits of nature we have around us, to be honest. 

Our oceans have the hugest amounts of man made debire that floats around. Plastics for example also take a lot time to break down. In the process of that, plastics get eat by many over water life, and some animals also try and take shelter in the debris that might end up in out oceans. But the impact of plastics in the ocean is deadly. Plastic can wrap its self around animals and make them unable to move which can drown them, Plastics can also be eaten and they can block passages ways so animals can't get the nutrition its needs, which means the animal will pass away. Plastic also holds a choking hazard. They also will stay in that system for a long time of the animal. 

We as people deposit a lot of plastics into the ocean, its somewhere's between 5 million to 12 million of tons of plastic into the ocean, yearly.
So because of this, and being someone who likes going to the beach, and collecting things, like pictures and even objects. I've seen a lot of man made crap wash up on shores. And sometimes its really tough because I want to remove these products from the shore line, but then I find out that there is life that has sought out shelter, and some of these animals have attracted themselves to something not natural. Which makes you feel like you are destroying a habitat that these creatures have found, even though you know its not healthy. 

Also as a beach goer I know I probably have at some point left trash on a beach, and I feel like that is something that needs to be taken care of. Our trash and causing animals to loose their lifes. And we also will loose our beaches in the process of not cleaning up the oceans.

So my clean up I'm going to go to is tomorrow. There is suppose to be raffles and huge amount of people, but also a lot of companies coming to donate goods for people. Gloves and trash bags are also proved so its just bring yourself.
I might also bring a bag for any treasures I find. I'm also going to bring my phone with me, and maybe take a few pictures.

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