Thursday, May 19, 2016


I have a disorder. Its called bpd.
I suffer from other disorders too.
I have a disorder and I cling to people.
I have a disorder and I get favorite people.
I have a disorder and I fear being abandonment

Because I fear abandonment I smother people so they don't leave me. Which makes them want to take steps back.  The fear of abandonment is my driving force to find someone and really make it work.  Because being forgotten feels worst. Being left behind feels worst.

BPD is something I have. Its apart of me until I can work it out of my personality which I've been doing. But for now its here.  I'm not sure if a lot of people in the kink community have bpd. I'm not sure if people are aware or know what it is. But for me its inward not outward, I don't project it onto people. I try not to hurt people also.

I know people have depression, I know people have anxiety. I know both of those illnesses allow cation for scenes, but I wonder about my disorder and if its okay to say I have it.

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