Thursday, May 19, 2016


I really like cooking and I love cooking for other people. It feels like a lot of fun to cook for other people and have them like the meals I pull together. I know for my first Dom/Master, Aaron. I use to cook him these really yummy dinners ever night for him. It was always so special to do. >3> I felt so happy making him something I knew he'd enjoy eating and I would love eating too.

I also really loved cooking with him! He'd cook with me sometimes or help me out. Especially when I get really anal about the pepper cut sizes he'd move me away and he'd chop them.
I kind of miss making someone dinner and waiting to be told how yummy it was and what a good job I did.  But yeah. Here are some photos of the dinners I made in the passed. plus a really yummy cake.  

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