Sunday, May 15, 2016

Day 15 - 18

Day 15: a song that makes you cry and why

This is one of the songs that make me cry. It makes me cry because of the fact that the song is about abuse and it goes into details of whats going on to the female. I also find the video hard to watch because there is so much destruction while the female picks the path she is going to go down, by getting rid of her boyfriends stuff. Which mostly means shes going to make the choose to break up. I also feel like the video could be foreshadowing whats going to happen when she does throw out the things that belonged to him, and how he might come by to abuse her. So the song is really tough.

Day 16: someone you trust

I have a couple of close friends I really trust and will tell anything to because I feel like they won't judge me. One of them is my best friend I've had since grade 7. Her name is Nessy. (not really nessy, I just call her nessy.) we don't see each other in person as much anymore mostly cause we live so far away from each other. But I talk to her on skype when shes around! :) I really trust her. I think fighting with her so much has made us become better friends. xD (We use to argue as teens sometimes)

Day 17: your idol and why you look up to them

I look up to Audrey Hepburn. She is one of my favorite models and actress. Her movies where so good! and her photographs were lovely. She also was a super amazing person who looked after animals and was also helping people. So yeah, I see her as a super amazing person, and I look up to her a lot. She is one of those people I want to be like.

Day 18: why you made your blog, why you still have it

I made this blog so I can have a place to write and a place to share my thoughts and feelings. I also made it so I'd have a place to write and control comments and not have people reblog what I say. So I like this site for blogging. And I still keep this place as my home because I really like having a blog. It feels nice to have a place to write my thoughts.

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