Thursday, May 12, 2016

Finding Me: A Memoir of the Cleveland Kidnappings

So I finally finished a book I got a few months back. Before I said that the book would take me awhile to read because the topic was really heavy. and it has taken me awhile to complete it. But I find the book really good. I feel like this is a really important book to read because it tells the story of the victims. I like how Michelle Knight addresses her kidnapper as "Dude" and doesn't really use his name. I like that she also doesn't detail him in her story. He is just a dirty fellow. I do find the story horrible and it is a tough read as I said. She only goes into details she feels okay with giving. She talks about her abuse she went though as a kid, and than the abuse she went though with the fellow that kidnapped her. The book it self makes you feel so sorry for the writer and all you want to do is be in that time and find her and be like "Shes here, go save her." The details of the abuse she went though was horrible. The details of her kidnapping, rape and even focused abortions.

Its a tough story, but I really did like it. And I really look up to the writer. She did a good job and I'm so glad she was strong enough to push though what happened.

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