Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Worry book

Because of stress I've been looking for ways to deal with it. I keep getting over whelming thoughts and dealing with lots of anxiety issues. So last night one of the things I did when I was really stressed out is making a worry book. I heard about this kind of book before from the internet and also from peoples vlogs. Just as a space that you can list off or put in detail about whats bugging you and why and allow that space just to be for worries and allow those worries to be expressed in a healthy way. So I grabbed a blank cute note book I bought from daiso years ago, and I filled it out. I put stickers in the book and there is a cat drawing because cats make me happy.

So I just started to list off things that were upsetting me and bugging me in bullet form.  I felt like because I keep thinking about things over and over again I don't need details. I just need the main part. The big part. Whats really bugging me? So I did that. I just listed things that are worrying me. I added things about myself, and how my life is going right now and how its really upsetting for me to deal with everything I'm dealing with. It felt like I was also validating my feelings. Which is really important to do. Compared to trying to just hide them. But in the end when I was done I was able to relax enough to be able to eat a meal. So it helped me. I've also used it a couple of times today already. I just put in my fears and then I'm okay.

My first page title is just "I worry because..."
and then I just put points under it.


The part I like about the worry book is it still makes the act of worrying feel valid and okay to do.

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