Sunday, May 1, 2016

Day Five

Day 5: something you would change about the world

I feel like there's a lot of things I would change about the world. Sexism and racism, bullying in our society and even the way people deal with situations need to be changed. I mean in school we learn to go to teachers when we need help to deal with another classmate. and now as an adult, who do you go to? The police? Waste their time? I think that is something that needs to be thought out better. I mean so many people get into arguments and sometimes its hard for people to leave or someone feels like they can't. the situation gets worst and then we get into problems that do need the police.

I also think there needs to be more programs meant to help people, and those programs should be easier for people to get to then they are currently. I feel like there shouldn't be as many hoops, and I feel like people shouldn't have to be so hurt in order to get help. I think if you feel suicidal you should be able to go to the hospital and be admitted. I don't think you should be turned away. I feel like therapy should be cheaper and have an affordable rate for everyone. Along with other treatment plans. I feel like those plans would work better if people were also put into the programs as soon as they become available. I feel like therapy could make people feel stronger again, and being able to access it means people could go back to 'normal' life and deal with recovering and progress with there life. Which is what therapy is for. Therapy shouldn't be handed out to those that look the worst. Trigger words in order to get into programs shouldn't exist. You shouldn't need to say you can't function. If your diagnosed with a disorder, you should be given the help.

I feel like schools and other programs should take a hold of mental health. Either its a club like girl guides or cubs, or school. but have them really explain mental health to people. Because the young is going to age and they are going to become aware of mental illness. I feel like if programs explained mental illness the understanding would be more of a promise than what most people understand around mental illness. I also feel like if mental illness was taught, there would be an understanding when someone starts to deal with mental health reasons its not because they want to. But because its the way they are. I think if we taught young people about mental illness we also would nip the stigma because the younger generation will correct the older one. I feel like there will be more of an understanding that mental illness isn't caused by being 'retarded' or 'being lazy'. Giving people brain food with info will explain to them that its a function that just happens with how people are.

I feel like one of the things that could happen is programs meant to help native people. People still cast them off as leeches and they don't want to progress. People still hold onto those stupid stupid STUPID ideas that native people bitch at white people for land issues. I wish people would also just stop that, the color issues is just insane. They are people. I feel like programs meant to help the native people would let the country benefit. I feel like if we recognize more of the troubles that the native people went through, the more people will understand they didn't just loose their land. They lost a lot, and they kept loosing things because people were so selfish and wanting to hurt those that were already down. I wish we had more knowledge on this.

I feel like if we could help our people, we'd be better helpers. I feel like if we looked after our people, we then could look after others. I feel like if we could look after the mental heath of a lot, we could then speak about knowledge of the mental illness.

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