Saturday, May 28, 2016

Cam girl

I have horrible anxiety and stress, but I also want to be responsible and  be able to say I have a job. So I've started my way into being a cam girl. I'm really slow with it. I've only done it a couple of hours so far. and I've only been doing what i'm okay with. I know I want to make money and I don't want to give stuff away for free. And its been really empowering to be a sex worker.

I kind of really like it. The attention is nice but I also have lots of interesting people who watch me. and we talk about other things, like anime, books, nature, things like that. Which is nice and really different. I try and also speak about things that really do interest me, so when i'm not naked people can still have something to talk about.

I know when I get my first check i'm going to write down and keep track of how much I make. I know my first check is going to be saved for my trip to Vancouver. I also don't plan on giving those people my blogger or anything like that. So I feel okay blogging about it here.

I feel really safe on blogger. I know my family might see this and they might judge. but its my body and I can do what I wish with it.  

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