Thursday, May 19, 2016


Trust is really important in a relationship. Without it the relationship will crumb and both parties will be fleeing a sinking boat. Trust for me becomes more defined in a relationship when the relationship goes along. I feel like it also should be there when the couple lives together. Unlucky for me to live with someone who didn’t trust me. He didn’t trust me not to cheat on him, so I went out of my way and gave him my pass words so he could see I wasn’t in fact cheating. Although that bite me in the ass when we broke up and he used that old permission to stalk and see what I was doing and if I was speaking to men already, and called me a slut
because I was.  (not really I was just seeking out a spanking)

Trust was also not given when I would want kisses or hugs, or I wasn’t trusted finically to look after myself. For me this all was shattering. I trusted this person and yet they didn’t trust me.

 For someone to be my daddy, I expect them to trust me. For someone to be in a D/s dynamic with me, I expect them to trust me. But there was no trust.

For me this has been a lesson. One that I needed to learn, but is also makes me wonder if I trust people too quickly and if that’s a bad thing to do.

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