Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Day six

Day 6: something you would like to change about yourself

There is a couple of things I'd change about myself. and some of it I learnt when I broke up with my now ex. I think one of the things I'd like to change about myself and I'm going to actively do it is the way I see situations. I see them from my view only and I don't really see issues from another persons view. I'm very focused on seeing my side and not really the other person(s) side of the same situation. I suppose this is also where my black and white thinking steams from because I either see everything as great, or everything as horrible. But I want to work on that, and my black and white thinking because its just going to hurt myself and people around me.

As for another thing I want to change is how much I doubt myself. I doubt myself a lot when I'm doing things because I'm always scared of being wrong, or doing something that is wrong. So therefore I either judge myself to quickly for trying to do something or I take criticisms really bad. So that is something I want to change about myself. I think both of these things would help me create a happier life also.

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