Friday, May 13, 2016

I moved

I haven't posted about this until now, mostly because I've been getting my room together. But I moved a week ago from my ex's place. I got my own room in another place and I've been putting it together. The place I moved to is really lovely. They have two cats already, and there is fish and a really cute bearded dragon. 

My room is in the basement and I really like my room. Its big and roomie. I also feel really safe in this house. I also realized I have a lot of stuff to move. But I'm happy with how my room is, and I'm happy with where I moved too. There is a garden, cute animals and really relaxing not intense people. So this place has been a good move. 

my packing

(I need a book shelf, oh and hai canes. *waves paw at*)

:) Somewhat of what my room looks like.

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