Thursday, May 19, 2016


So I'm going to start gardening this year. I'm excited, my roommate/landlord has offered to teach me how to garden. So I'm really excited. I want to help out with the garden too if I can. >3> Plus I've been wanting to learn how to garden! AND I CAN PLANT MY STRAWBERRIES. Which means I'll have super noms to eat for the summer.

I want to help out around this place in any way I can. I know I won't be doing a lot in the summer, at the most trying to go to munches and making friends. Maybe finding a boyfriend, I don't know. But I want to pick up some other interests/hobbies. I feel like the more I get better, and the more I get interesting, the more likely I'll find another healthy interesting person. I feel like if I stay closed in and withdrawn I'll probably just find closed in and withdrawn people. Which is okay, but I do want to make some not withdrawn people. Its hard to be with people who are withdrawn anyways because it keeps me in the behavioral pattern of being within my self, compared to seeing and watching the world around me. I don't know. I like being safe, but I also like being able to explore.

Which is what my biggest plan for the summer is. Exploring myself. whom ever that might be.  I know I love taking photos, but I feel like I can try other things. I know I want to try out knitting and I think I'm going to teach myself. (for real, not this, "I think I'm going to teach myself and than never put effort into learning. BUT I'LL LEARN SOMEDAY" type of thing. I've been doing that with crocheting which i'm going to learn too.) I feel like I should learn some other things out there.

I also know I want to become more active with my wiccan stuff, and I want to get back into  baking or cooking. I think maybe I could bake goodies that are gluten free and eat them. Compared to spending the money on gluten free cookies.

I also have given myself a task this weekend, I think I'm going to make a day timer so I can book and figure out when to do what on a scheduled. like a physical, I can see scheduled because I keep having issues with eating, med taking ect, and I'm not being the best with my time.

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