Saturday, May 21, 2016


With borderline one of the things we struggle with is whats going on with our lives. We do worst when stuff isn't planned out. I know personally for me, having nothing really planned or figured out I tend to spend more of my own money and I run to things that aren't the most smart to fill up my day. So I thought I would get myself a planner, a better one than the dollar store one I have that I seem to loose. This one I got to customize a bit. 
I bought a calendar for the inside and it goes by month.  The back also has a to do list, which I'm going to add rules too. so I can have rules. (I'm use to having rules in relationship and its odd for me not to have any) I'm going to go back next month and buy a couple of packages of year bundles so I can use this planner for a couple of years. 

But yeah. I like the new planner. Its heavy but its nice. I'm starting to add things I need to do, like school, assignments that are due, that kind of thing.  But yeah, I'm giving my life some structure in hopes of it helping me out. 

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