Monday, May 16, 2016


  • Go play in the park with bubble wands 
  • Swing on swings and slide down slides 
  • Find a local playground or park and play around
  • Go see a movie 
  • Go bowling 
  • Go to an arcade 
  • Go to the Aquarium 
  • Go to the Planetarium 
  • Go to the Zoo 
  • Go to the Botanical Gardens 
  • Go to a local coffee shop 
  • Decorate egg cartons/make egg carton caterpillars 
  • Throw a scavenger hunt and use color-coded egg cartons to gather your color-themed findings 
  • Try a new restaurant or a different cuisine 
  • Make a pillow fort 
  • Go for sushi
  • Make a blanket fort and have nommy treats in it. 
  • Go on a picnic
  •  Go to a theme park/fair 
  • Go see the fire works 
  • Go to the beach Stargaze on a blanket 
  • Go camping 
  • Go to the park
  • Go to a pumpkin patch 
  • Carve pumpkins 
  • Bake together 
  • Drink apple cider, maybe with caramel and whipped cream on top 
  • Drink hot chocolate, try different flavors 
  • Visit your local library 
  • Go eat some apple, pumpkin, or pecan pie 
  • Eat or make candy apples 
  • Do a neat Halloween paper craft 
  • Get some canvases and paint 
  • Paint a pumpkin 
  • Go to a haunted house 
  • Take a haunted tour 
  • Tell scary stories 
  • Make a scary movie list and watch them all 
  • Make some origami animals 
  • Visit a hot tub or a local hot spring 
  • walk through beacon hill park 
  • Go whale watching 
  • Feed the seals 
  • Go for a hike 
  • Go on a ghost walk 
  • Go to the game board cafe 
  • Go to the petting zoo >W< 

yeah thats my list of date ideas so far!

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