Saturday, April 30, 2016


Today I went to my first Gala. I also learnt that gala isn't just an apple, but an event set up type thing. So yeah, I went to an event, not an apple.  The event was for breast cancer and the processed go to that charity. They also had snacks, punch and they were doing people's makeup and nails. It only cost $10. Which isn't bad when you get a bunch of free stuff. We also got a grab bag for end, and we got signed up to do a give away. Which was nice.  I felt really happy. I never been to something like this before, and I'm slightly curious about makeup. So yeah, it was nice to be pampered for an hour, get my nails done and get makeup put on was nice. I asked for natural makeup, because thats what I'm the most comfortable with. So I got my makeup done and I felt all pretty. I also had people tell me I looked pretty so I felt special.

Oh yeah, and there grab bags were amazing! I got one that was meant for pale girls and it made me feel special and included.

I also used this five dollar coupon I got to by myself a bottle of perfume. So now I'm going to smell really pretty. 

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